View Full Version : A Big-Ass Sedan: 64 Pontiac Parisienne
25th November 2009, 09:23 PM
Figured id chuck up a few pics of my new project. Its a 1964 Pontiac Parisienne that i picked up about a month ago, but due to uni exams and work, i only managed to start working on it on Monday.
Its basically just a big-ass sedan with a plane-jane 350 Chev, which im thinking about getting rid of and just getting a new 300HP 350 chev crate engine, as the current one will need a rebuild.
The plan is to basically just give it a bare metal respray, some fresh interior, a small stereo system and then dump it on its ass.
Surprisingly the body is actually in reasonable condition. When i got it there was quiet a bit of bog in the rear quarters cause rather than use a hammer and dolly to fix a small dint, someone decided to just cover it in bog. Found a little bit of rust in the c-pillars and a-pillars as well as the bottom of the rear doors.
Oh well, here are some pics for everyone.
Chaos Theory
25th November 2009, 09:47 PM
would look tight with wide + low offset.
im sick of seeing all these nice old tank sized cars ruined with 20s and shit like that.
25th November 2009, 10:11 PM
staggered wheels:
19 x 9 front
20 x 11 rear
tub rear end to get correct fittment, small block chev, nice C4 trans, shorten diff
25th November 2009, 10:45 PM
Yeah im trying to chase down some nice dishy 14x8 or 15x8 steel wheels for it and then get some whitewalls.
I dont mind old sedans with 19s or 20s, provided they have nice fitment and arent the sort of chrome shit that you get from Tempe Tyres
Chaos Theory
25th November 2009, 11:01 PM
widened steelies would be really cool, colour matched to the car with the chrome center trims.
Low Style
26th November 2009, 12:21 PM
detroit wires! and hydros
26th November 2009, 12:46 PM
bog = America
26th November 2009, 09:38 PM
bog = lack of real talent to restore a car. My understanding is that it should only be used when absolutely necessary, which is pretty much never.
Stripped the roof today and started sanding back the doors to fresh, clean, shiny metal so that i can hopefully start priming the car next week
29th November 2009, 07:40 AM
Looks about the same size as the '67 Phoenix I learnt to drive in. That was fun :D
15x8 15x9 widened steelies and whitewalls would look awesome on this
1st December 2009, 10:03 PM
Bog = America = Lack of talent
1st December 2009, 11:08 PM
Was flicking through a bunch of hot rod and custom magazines when i was over at my mates yesterday and found a sick-ass paint scheme that id love to do. It was on a 67 Buick Riviera. Ok, it might sound a bit weird, but it looked epic; it was a satin lime green with a black vinyl roof, and with the car dumped on its ass and with some pinstriping on the boot it was just awesome.
So now im torn between 3 colours schemes: blue with white roof (factory style), gunmetal and the above.
What do you guys reckon?
Chaos Theory
2nd December 2009, 12:11 AM
satin black.
2nd December 2009, 09:34 AM
satin black.
yes with one white pin strip from bonnet to boot.
then even a set up like this hk.
2nd December 2009, 10:20 AM
Yeah, i was thinking satin black, I actually got a pricing for materials for it the other day, but it seems really overdone. The only way i would go satin black is if i could get a satin clear coat, but i cant find anyone locally who stocks it.
By using a clear over it, you get an effect similar to the one below (thats right, it turns your car into a Ferrari 430), where the paint underneath is flat, but under sunlight you still get some reflection. If anyone knows where you can get satin clear from (other than the US) can you please let me know, cause id love to do the satin black with satin clear.
2nd December 2009, 01:14 PM
And if i go satin black, then im pretty sure i need some serape (mexican blanket) seat covers
5th December 2009, 04:57 PM
Haha, go serape, be different! :D
5th December 2009, 10:26 PM
man that is awesome !! i know a guy that used to have one ay
i was on my L's driving a 63 dodge Phoenix
love big US sedans !! keep updated man
Mr Awsome
6th December 2009, 02:34 AM
just mix clear with 20-30% matt clear works wonders. just do some spray outs till u get the mix u like and them paint it.
just to add the only problem with doing matts and more importantly satins. is your have to be VERY CLEAN and NO runs, before you paint coz u cant Polish anything out.
Mr Awsome
6th December 2009, 02:52 AM
Mansory Continental GT Speed in Matte-Black
Satin Black VeilSide Widebody Bentley CGT
6th December 2009, 03:11 PM
Fuck u all.. only one color scheme for this car
Lime metal flake green, heavy flaked silver roof, run panels and scallops in a lighter shade green..
6th December 2009, 06:36 PM
Beau, draw it for me and ill do it.
Where am i doing scallops? Side of car? Bonnet?
Problem is, this aint no fuckin hecktic summernats car, its gonna be a relatively cheap car that i can just cruise around in, im not planning to spend 6 grand on some crazy 2-pack spray job.
This was what i was currently leaning towards. Clean, simple and smooth
6th December 2009, 07:05 PM
Is this the sort of green your talking about? .jpg
7th December 2009, 12:26 AM
mellow as. i like it
7th December 2009, 09:36 AM
Yeah, thats why i like it. It so subtle that it stands out (i know that sounds weird haha)
7th December 2009, 10:02 AM
Matt Black is so 2004.. see..
I can draw on the Mac, i can only do stuff by hand.
Nah the green im talking is maybe a bit darker. There is nothing summernats about the scheme im talking about and it wont look like hell in 2months
Chaos Theory
7th December 2009, 10:10 AM
beau the fitment on the car you posted is shit.
7th December 2009, 10:55 AM
Yes Beau, i know your ahead of the times and are amazingly awesomely cool, especially with your long hair in that pic haha.
Just draw it for me by hand, and either scan it or mail it down to me. Ill even pay you for it, cause i know that everything that touches your family is awesome, and maybe if you design it, then it will be awesome.
7th December 2009, 11:14 PM
Is this the sort of scheme your talking about?
I know it looks awesome on a kustom, but im not too sure if it would look out of place on mine.
7th December 2009, 11:53 PM
Is this the sort of scheme your talking about?
I know it looks awesome on a kustom, but im not too sure if it would look out of place on mine.
That colour green with heavy metalflake , set of rallye wheels and whites, not sure about the white roof , but scollops are awesome , pinstiped in gold maybe,a little bit George Barris style custom.Nice car anyways, good to work on , just dont paint it matte black.
8th December 2009, 06:34 PM
That roof is actually silver. The other pic of that car that i have shows the silver well, but the lighting makes the green look really dark.
Anyways, finally got some primer on the car. Drivers side of the car is now etch primed. I was actually rather suprised, as i didnt get any runs in the primer, and considering its my first time spraying with a gun, i was rather impressed with myself.
On a slightly different note, had a bit of a shit morning. My parents went halves with me in a new mig welder for christmas, but they gave it to me early so i could get stuck into my rust repairs. Pulled the thing out of the box, set everything up, turn it on and it just kept feeding wire because the trigger was broken. So i decided to take it back and just get a refund cause i managed to borrow a mates $1400 Lincoln welder which he isnt using.
Tomorrow the plan is to sand and prime some more of the car before heading to Star City tomorrow arvo, as a mate of mine managed to get a free 2 bedroom apartment. So hopefully ill win up big, and be able to buy some really ridiculous stuff for the Parisienne and the Trueno
8th December 2009, 07:12 PM
Yes Beau, i know your ahead of the times and are amazingly awesomely cool, especially with your long hair in that pic haha.
Just draw it for me by hand, and either scan it or mail it down to me. Ill even pay you for it, cause i know that everything that touches your family is awesome, and maybe if you design it, then it will be awesome.
Hey get my dick out of your mouth. Thats the job of the groupies
Chaos, this aint JDM in the land of the sleds no one cares about Speedhunters rules. Just slam it make it look cool and cruise the balls off it.
Yer in that photo id just had a hair cut and had some of my face missing.. it was epic.
I'll have to draw something up, but yer that color is the wrong color again. When u are up next i'll show u my color sheets
8th December 2009, 07:18 PM
BAM! That just happened
Here is a idea for u, this is Dad's Buick in the steps.
8th December 2009, 10:56 PM
Ahhh man, that is epic.
Ill definitely have to come up sometime soon and check out this colour and the Trueno. I really need to just find a paint scheme and stick to it.
Btw, your dads Buick looks fricken awesome.
Chaos Theory
9th December 2009, 01:39 AM
Chaos, this aint JDM in the land of the sleds no one cares about Speedhunters rules. Just slam it make it look cool and cruise the balls off it.
but it doesn't look cool with those wheels. maybe with these
9th December 2009, 11:58 PM
Epic yes, but to turn wheels that low, shit aint happening! Remember this is suppose to have a era specific look. He is going for the rod/kustom/lead sled look inspired by Bubba Harris and Roth!
14th December 2009, 09:02 PM
BAM! That just happened
Here is a idea for u, this is Dad's Buick in the steps.
Just found the actual car that that image is based off. Still the same sort of green you were thinking?
14th December 2009, 09:16 PM
thats pretty close.
But my Green is more a Tiki green. Look up tiki on googler
14th December 2009, 09:22 PM
Here is a idea for u, this is Dad's Buick in the steps.
Beauman, wtf... that's insanely cool.
15th December 2009, 12:16 PM
Beauman, wtf... that's insanely cool.
Ah fuck! Players know my real name now! Dam you father!!!!
15th December 2009, 07:08 PM
are you running seat belts?
15th December 2009, 08:46 PM
Beau, that Tiki green is the shiz, definitely keen for something like that
Yeah, ive got seat belts that were installed somewhere along the line. I cant justify not having them, it only takes one little accident and your fucked.
17th December 2009, 12:53 PM
yeah but if your only ever at cruising speed you should be fine! i drove a valiant the other day with out them and it felt save as.. but it also depends how often you use it aswell and if you want full original
25th December 2009, 01:15 PM
hmm i might have something in 1965 form soon, waiting on phone call
28th December 2009, 10:57 PM
Hmmmm............... Well the shell has all been stripped back to bare metal and etch primed and so have the drivers side doors. Hopefully in the next day or two, ill get the passengers side doors done.
For those who know me, youll know that im a very indecisive bastard, hence why i keep finding more colour schemes. Let me know what you think. I personally really like both, as well as the green and silver paint scheme that i had previously decided on haha. I think im slightly more partial to the first design, but i like the idea of the maroon/burgundy with a burgundy flake and some striping like the third pic %20321%29.jpg
30th June 2010, 11:39 PM
Well now that im on uni holidays i have finally had a chance to work on this thing. At the moment the everything has been stripped back to bare metal, etch primed, and primed. Ive welded up/shaved most of the trim, as most of it looked tacky and over-the top and personally i thought it detracted from the long flowing lines of the car. I had to redo the lower 20cm of both a pillars due to rust, and the c pillars which had been dodgly repaired in the past with shit loads of bog and metal filler.
The other day i got bored and decided to shoot the roof, came out looking pretty sweet, however, for anyone, who like me has never sprayed a car before, DO NOT stand on a milk crate when trying to shoot the roof. I leant to farand slipt, causing me to land on the freshly painted roof. It all looks sweet now after a lot of sanding and repainting, but it was just a paint in the ass.
The roof still has got quiet a bit of work to go, as it will be receiving metal flake lace panels and perhaps some scallops aswell. With the background of the panels being done in a dark wine-red colour.
Anways, here are a few pics.
On its guts
Getting masked up
The colour
The result
The metal flake that will be used for the panels
As it sits at the moment
1st July 2010, 09:21 AM
1st July 2010, 12:34 PM
Yes! Colour is dope! Now do just as that corona wagon, color match the wheels, chrome trim rings, wide whites. Maybe some 60s Ponty dogdish caps or baby moons? F**k widened steels or any of that shit, it doesn't need to be flush, thats just inappropriate. Just get it low,low,low,low,looow.
1st July 2010, 11:12 PM
So damn coooool.
1st July 2010, 11:21 PM
Yes! Colour is dope! Now do just as that corona wagon, color match the wheels, chrome trim rings, wide whites. Maybe some 60s Ponty dogdish caps or baby moons? F**k widened steels or any of that shit, it doesn't need to be flush, thats just inappropriate. Just get it low,low,low,low,looow.
Dont worry, its not getting widened steelies. Probably just some nice 15x7s or 15x8s wheels, with whitewalls. Whether i go wide whites or skinny whites will depend on the wheel i choose.
Originally the inspiration for widened steelies was this car. Ive met him a few times, 15x15s on the rear and 15x12s on the front. The front is mini tubbed and flared, and the rear is stock, but flared. Oh, and there arent any bags, that is the height he drives it at.
Brass Munky
2nd July 2010, 12:32 AM
Love that last one.
I almost bought one of these, 327, 3 speed auto, ultimate cruiser, Sold before I came up with the cash though. The metallic red you chose looks awesome, cant wait to see this finished!
4th July 2010, 03:56 PM
what about some Work Goo-cars for this? what ever wheels you put on this, they have to be 14/15" prob 15" is better for tyre choice?
i think a super lazy 454 would be more suitable as a 350 is more of a 'racers' engine?
5th July 2010, 10:45 PM
Id never seen those work goocars before, they dont look too bad. Yeah, plan is for 15s, unless i find some 14s at a bargain price.
Would love a 454 with a nice big 727 or 904 torqueflite, but try affording one when youre a full time uni student, shit isnt gonna happen. Maybe down the road, but not anytime soon
6th July 2010, 10:00 AM
Is this the sort of green your talking about? .jpg
59 el camino. uncle has one with a 454.
he wont even let me sit in it
13th July 2010, 10:46 AM
Gee that blue one is pretty tough...But yeah, exception to the rule I reckon. This is going to be fairly rad with the colour on.
24th August 2010, 07:20 PM
Well, im meant to be studying for a physics exam for uni at the moment, which of course means, huge amounts of procastination, and therefore an update on the Parisienne.
Flaked the lace panels on the roof, but still need more layers of clear and colour sanding, as i used massive flake.
The flake is sprayed in 3 panels on the roof.
Im then gonna lay some lace over the top of the flake, and spray through it with a red wine pearl mix to give a faded lace pattern. The lace i chose looks like this:
While i was waiting for the roof to sit for a while before i could apply more clear and the lace, i decided to strip the dash, and paint it.
Before paint (after welding up shit loads of holes, and smoothing the dash out):
Almost re-assembled:
Also decided to smooth the firewall, and weld up most of the holes in it, as it was originally filled with rubber grommets and and had more holes than a block of swiss cheese.
At the moment im just sorting out all of the wiring, which i will hopefully have finished in the next week or two. Once that is done, ill finish off the roof and start stripping down the motor to see what its like inside, and then decide whether to rebuild it, or just fork out the cash for a new engine.
mr t
7th August 2012, 07:12 PM
Hi sotiros86, pm sent about your Pontiac. Cheers.
mr t
30th November 2012, 02:07 PM
Busting to see what it looks like now, have got any update pics? Cheers.
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