View Full Version : Ufc!!!

15th December 2009, 08:59 AM
i'm a Fan....who else is addicted to the blood shed?
Fav fighters,
Best fights,
worst injurys......lets talk some marcho shit,lol

BJ Penn would have to be my fav fighter....he's a Gun!
So many others deserve mention but i'll keep the first post brieff.

soo badly wanted to see Evans beat up Rampage.....but big tough mr T bitched out to make a movie!

Fav fight......any one of the BJ Penn Vs GSP fights......they fucking go to war every time!!

About to watch 107........I watched the 1st round of Penn vs Sanchez...Fuck me Sanchez has some heart! any one else wouldn't of got up


15th December 2009, 10:45 AM
You need to fight for something worth fighting for..

This does not interest me..

15th December 2009, 10:50 AM
I went to Evolution 19 the other week... Not UFC but was awesome night...
Some REALLY good fights... Pitty Eli went down to John Wayne... :(

15th December 2009, 12:40 PM
good shit aye.. i do MMA and cage fighting

15th December 2009, 02:01 PM
its one of the most boring things to watch on tv

few good combos and boxing at the start, then it just turns into grappling and then someone gets the other guy down and just pounds his head repeatedly


15th December 2009, 06:50 PM
107 was a let down i must say...the "main event" anyway.....diego gets owned!

Frank Mir was impressive though!

Marvis...If $50000 wasn't worth fighting for i dont know what is!
Matt an Dave.....Clearly havn't seen enough of the good ones!
Boxing is gay.....I could take punches to the jaw all day with one of those big soft gloves!

15th December 2009, 06:52 PM
Fuck.....Kimbo Slice lost and got half a million!

15th December 2009, 06:56 PM
he won his first ufc fight recently too, dunno how much it paid though

15th December 2009, 07:01 PM
not his first....his first since he lost his contract and went on ultimate fighter.
houston alexander was scared of kimbo in that fight....would of nearly made him dizzy

15th December 2009, 07:35 PM
I don't take much interest in ufc or any fighting sports really.

How is kimbo doing in ultimate fighter?

15th December 2009, 08:06 PM
technicaly he didnt get through.....but he did get a chance for another contract and won.

Chaos Theory
15th December 2009, 09:29 PM
UFC and MMA are the worst fighting ever, nothing more than an excuse for homosexual behaviour. a bunch of semi naked guys rolling on the ground hugging and slapping. when they are on the ground the hits arent even hard.

Kick boxing under full thai rules/muay thai is where it is at.

15th December 2009, 09:30 PM
fav fighter would have to be st peirre

Chaos Theory
15th December 2009, 09:32 PM
I could take punches to the jaw all day with one of those big soft gloves!

o rly lol i'd like to see that.

15th December 2009, 10:44 PM
Boxing is gay.....I could take punches to the jaw all day with one of those big soft gloves!

I used to train with a MUM that'd probably knock you stone cold on the floor even with those "big soft gloves"

And +1 for UFC being a hug fest... Some times when the guys actually stand and fight its good... But some of the fights are so boring... Seen some where they woun't even stand and throw one punch.. go staight for the take down and restle... LAME....

Mau Tai is heaps more intresting..

15th December 2009, 11:01 PM
UFC and MMA are the worst fighting ever, nothing more than an excuse for homosexual behaviour. a bunch of semi naked guys rolling on the ground hugging and slapping. when they are on the ground the hits arent even hard.

Kick boxing under full thai rules/muay thai is where it is at.

fuck i love that shit. Machida!!!

UFC and MMA encompasses various forms of martial art not just the one. I love muay thai and have great respect for it just as i do with boxing and other forms of martial arts. The thing i like about UFC and MMA is that each individual has their own fighting style whether its wrestling, kickboxing, jiu jitsu, karate or even a combination. Its just very interesting to watch what type of fighting styles are effective than others.

15th December 2009, 11:03 PM
lol,maybe exaggerated a bit......But Have been cracked accross the jaw with a quarry mining drill bit that fell from about 2m above me,bounce off the rock beside me and Whack! Didn't drop me.....Fractured and chipped my jaw and cracked my wisdom tooth in the gum still....think i was like 16 or 17 at the time? the drill bit was about 6ft long and 2" thick.......
Never been knocked out,ever.....did have a seizure once when this fat cunt steped on my neck....That was shit!

I do aggree though,some fights are rather boring....But thats why you have your fav fighters.......The ones that are there for the love of the fans and put on a good show.

Chaos Theory
15th December 2009, 11:04 PM
UFC and MMA encompasses various forms of martial art not just the one. I love muay thai and have great respect for it just as i do with boxing and other forms of martial arts. The thing i like about UFC and MMA is that each individual has their own fighting style whether its wrestling, kickboxing, jiu jitsu, karate or even a combination. Its just very interesting to watch what type of fighting styles are effective than others.

as with kick boxing, you get people who have trained in taekwando, karate, kokushin, muay thai and kickboxing as long as they stick to the particular rule set of the fight its all gravy.
only difference is they actually fight and dont roll around hugging.

15th December 2009, 11:04 PM
fuck i love that shit. Machida!!!

UFC and MMA encompasses various forms of martial art not just the one. I love muay thai and have great respect for it just as i do with boxing and other forms of martial arts. The thing i like about UFC and MMA is that each individual has their own fighting style whether its wrestling, kickboxing, jiu jitsu, karate or even a combination. Its just very interesting to watch what type of fighting styles are effective than others.

Agree with this fully!

16th December 2009, 12:21 AM
as with kick boxing, you get people who have trained in taekwando, karate, kokushin, muay thai and kickboxing as long as they stick to the particular rule set of the fight its all gravy.
only difference is they actually fight and dont roll around hugging.

they're not rolling around and hugging its called grappling and is actually a very effective and efficient way of fighting (jiu jitsu). It focuses on submission rather than knock outs with powerful blows

16th December 2009, 10:50 AM

16th December 2009, 10:58 AM
LOL......I'll pay that!

16th December 2009, 10:27 PM
lol,maybe exaggerated a bit......But Have been cracked accross the jaw with a quarry mining drill bit that fell from about 2m above me,bounce off the rock beside me and Whack! Didn't drop me.....Fractured and chipped my jaw and cracked my wisdom tooth in the gum still....think i was like 16 or 17 at the time? the drill bit was about 6ft long and 2" thick.......
Never been knocked out,ever.....did have a seizure once when this fat cunt steped on my neck....That was shit!

I do aggree though,some fights are rather boring....But thats why you have your fav fighters.......The ones that are there for the love of the fans and put on a good show.

its rarely the weight of the impact that knocks someone out.

mostly its the over extension of the spine where it enters the base of the skull. The body goes into shutdown to reduce damage by becoming compliant to the extended movement.

homophobic fear of hugging blinds most people to the skill in grappling. pity cos its bullshit tough :)

fights are good when the competitors are talents. When they are just meet heads on roids who feel nothing, its boring.

who is the russian guy they want to fight the wwe ufc guy?? he is about the only heavyweight who looks worth watching.

get annoyed by the lack of sportsmanship displayed buy a lot of them also, it doesnt take much to have some humility and realise you aint the toughest cunt ever

16th December 2009, 11:08 PM
not sure who who you mean.....but Frank Mir is training up for a re match with Brock Lesner(the wwe guy).....Lesner is the heavy weight champ atm..but is out due to an infection in his intestines,might need surgery......If so there going to have interim title match so theres something for the other heavy weights to fight for.
Mir put Chieck kango to shame in the first round of his last fight!
Was so good!

16th December 2009, 11:14 PM

17th December 2009, 03:50 PM
must say i am a fan of ufc, just like the raw brutality lol.
cheik kongo ftw cause he knees people in the balls :P

17th December 2009, 08:17 PM
Cheik got owned man! did you see the fight? not as bad as Diego.....but alot fucking quicker!
He went to sleep!

17th December 2009, 08:45 PM
Cheik got owned man! did you see the fight? not as bad as Diego.....but alot fucking quicker!
He went to sleep!

oh man what? nooooooooo kongoooo!!!! :(
was that one on recently? i missed last couple, its on tonight though :D

17th December 2009, 08:51 PM
yeah 107.

18th December 2009, 10:14 PM
id beat em all cause ima thug

18th December 2009, 10:40 PM
a thug by what definition Gunner?

18th December 2009, 10:41 PM
dude I dont need to answer your question, im that thug.

18th December 2009, 10:49 PM
ok then.......we wont go into it,lol

18th December 2009, 11:46 PM
dude I dont need to answer your question, im that thug.

thats pretty gangsta

19th December 2009, 12:13 AM
Joshie_Mcslide,..... lol,maybe exaggerated a bit......But Have been cracked accross the jaw with a quarry mining drill bit that fell from about 2m above me,bounce off the rock beside me and Whack! Didn't drop me.....Fractured and chipped my jaw and cracked my wisdom tooth in the gum still....think i was like 16 or 17 at the time? the drill bit was about 6ft long and 2" thick.......

I got smacked in the head buy a job I was turning that got jammed and came off the lathe. Basically like being hit in the head buy a stay flywheel and about 700rpm... Droped me for about 10mins... shattered my skull and landed me in hospital for 2 and a half weeks... I wanted to go home the day after but the doctors were like NO FUCKING WAY BUD.. Was a total of 9 weeks off work... Sucked so bad.. was hell boring..

19th December 2009, 12:46 PM
Fucking ouch!
Thats gotta suck!

I kinda failed to mention that in my case falling wasn't and option at the time ey....was standing on a rock cliff at the quarry about 40m drop onto more rocks,probably would of died or been paralized if i did...lol
So it was probably more mental than anything!
I think if i copped a shattered scull id be sleeping too!