View Full Version : Supermade floor mats, or others.

8th March 2010, 11:32 AM
Anyone know where to get these for a decent price? They are on rhdjapan but they are 350 shipped. Surely you can get them cheaper than that, I can get custom made ones for less than half. Or is there another option i have overlooked?

These are the checkered ones you see in Japanese cars.



8th March 2010, 11:57 AM
The supermade ones are always really expensive might be able to get it a bit cheaper but not much. They aren't like normal mats though they are made of a special weave, although they dont do anything different to normal ones. I have chequered floor mats which came with mine from Japan but are just normal carpet

8th March 2010, 12:09 PM
i have some in my car, theyre sick, and theyre always top $

Touge Boy
8th March 2010, 12:14 PM
Either RHD Japan like you said, or Viva garage will be releasing knockoff gear shortly. But the quality wont be there. Supermade ones last a lifetime.

I had a set in my S14 and they were pro.

8th March 2010, 08:09 PM
dmax make them too. don't know if they would be cheaper or not

9th March 2010, 05:48 PM
ouch. Well i will have to pray my gf didnt throw out my old factory mats, maybe they will be of use for a template.