View Full Version : A few paint questions.

Mickey H
25th January 2009, 07:41 PM
I've decided to do a complete respray on my car, since i need to cut up so much of it to repair the rust anyway. I want to do it in white, and paint the inside of my car with black subframe paint, the thick stuff which also helps deaden road noise. If i am doing that, should i remove the original sound deadening stuff?
I am also going to be painting the engine bay, which has been resprayed in black, and is peeling off. What is the best type of paint to use in an engine bay, and should i just rub it back or take it back to metal? I've asked a few spraypainters i know, they said that i should take the whole car back to metal, due to the original paint being acrylic, but ive seen a few builds on here that have turned out pretty nice without stripping the car completely.
Thanks in advance, I'm pretty shit when it comes to painting.

25th January 2009, 08:14 PM
leave the sound deadening man... sounds like u want a nice daily and for the 20 kg... it will work wonders :D

full bare metal will be a mad pain in the arse, but will give good results. however, if you dont mind a bit of extra elbo work, keep it acrylic and you will get a close result with better clarity than a 2pac without rubback.

engine bay would be worth using a heat resistant enamel i think?? im no expert and others here would have better answers, but the finish doesnt need to be awsome, but should be very tuff.

good luck mate.... im embarking on a similar thing soon so any tips you get shoot em my way lol


25th January 2009, 09:09 PM
for me this is what id do

engine bay - flat black no clear
interior, maybe just get some sound deadning in a can and then hammer tone over it?
Exterior - rub back the clear at least and go from there.

I use arcrylic but id rather use 2 pak. Or you can mix and match if you want. Depends how rich/heathy/fit/spare time you have.

25th January 2009, 11:34 PM
quick questions....
is it worth spraying clear in the engine bay too?? or whatever u like?

if i rub back the clear and its all good....do i need to apply primer over the whole car?...or only where needed?..like repaired area and such?...

26th January 2009, 07:34 AM
Primer over everything, paint doesnt stick to paint very well.

Engine bay is up to you, if its a flat colour you can get away with no clear. But even then that is you could be arse rubbing the engine bay.

26th January 2009, 12:03 PM
when prepping the engine bay just use shit loads of degreaser and rub it back with steel wool. makes life way easier

26th January 2009, 10:05 PM
For engine bays, i suggest some thick paints if not some coats of clear would be good to protect the paint from unwanted fluid. as for rubbing the engine bay, you could use scotch brite but if your more keen use 800 grit paper. From what i've seen alot of people spray their engine white aposed to other colour, i guess it looks more clean but needs alot of maintance. acrylic colours are the way to go for engine bays and interior.:)

27th January 2009, 02:41 PM
dont paint 2pac over acrylic.. it will be fine to start off but eventually once the paint settles (3months) it will start to eat itself as the two chemicals react to each other.

If you have lost of rust it would be best to take the car back to bare. or get it sandblasted.. ($800) sandblast engine. and you can use the same paint you use on the body in the engine bay..