View Full Version : Few questions regarding purchasing

that guy
9th April 2010, 12:35 AM
Just got a few questions regarding purchasing of vehicles. Story is that within the coming months I will be looking for a new car and for quite a while now I have had my heart set on a Toyota Sprinter Trueno Coupe. I've been keeping my eye on the sales section but have noticed that my ideal car hasn't come up. Basically I was hoping for peoples opinions on the comparison of finding the car in Australia to importing from Japan. I need imformation on the differences between price and quality,etc. I want the Sprinter to be completely stock standard and in as good as condition as possible. The fear that I have with the importing is that it will be filled with rust or going to cost me an arm and leg to get it complianced here in Aus. Help, please?

9th April 2010, 01:04 AM
contact pro k, dont think he is on this site but he will be on HR, he is the go to guy for importing ae86, just let him know your budget and he will find the best car possible, although if you want something mint dont expect change from 15k

9th April 2010, 01:59 AM
i might have what you are looking for mate.
give me a PM and i'll send you some details/photos.
that is of course if you are willing to buy from interstate and get it transported.

that guy
9th April 2010, 08:37 PM
cheers hachirusto and todd just PMed you

9th April 2010, 09:42 PM
another vote for prok and also find irish.... he manages to track down some AWESOME fucking stuff

9th April 2010, 10:29 PM
sexy16. pm him. paul will sort you out.

9th April 2010, 11:26 PM
Paul or Pramodh will sort you out. I have personally dealt with both guys and they are both great. I purchased my Trueno hatch of Pramodh, but Paul organised the engineering for it.

If you want something thats crazy off its tits, id contact Paul, but that being said he has also brought in some high quality grade 4s in the past.

It really just depends how much you want to spend, and if you are comfortable organising all of the engineering and compliance work yourself. If not, contact someone like JMS (seeing as you are in Adelaide) and they will be able to help you with everything. However, just note that if you go through a big name company, they will charge a much higher commission that what a private importer will

10th April 2010, 10:06 PM
i might have what you are looking for mate.
give me a PM and i'll send you some details/photos.
that is of course if you are willing to buy from interstate and get it transported.

didn't you just buy your car?

11th April 2010, 04:17 PM
didn't you just buy your car?
yep. i hadnt planned to get another hachi as i have other things in my life happening.
selling it was going to fund these other 'things'.

12th April 2010, 08:56 AM
Paul and Pramodh +1

I delt with them and still happy today

that guy
20th May 2010, 11:42 PM

looking for the car now, have a possibility of one but wondering if I have any other options