View Full Version : front suspension issues

18th June 2010, 01:02 PM
hey guys,

have a head scratcher im not working out.

Have - brand new hsd ae86 coilovers for the front
brand new t3 big brake kit
ae86 hubs
new bearings
ae86 backing plates with dust shield cut off

When i go to put all the bits together, the brake rotor hits EVERYTHING. if i get the hub anywhere near fitting, the rotor is rubbing on the front face of the caliper mount and thats without the t3 adaptor braket installed. Its like the stub is 25mm to short or something?

have installed the bub bare and it seems to work fine, the bearings were ae86 bearings from repco and looked the same as the ones that came out, when done up the hub shows no signs of wobbling, so i think the hub is right and ae86.

the backing plates appear to only go on one way, and he bolts all line up on that...

its got me humped and i cant continue with my daily till its sorted .....

i had a look at the replace bearings and rotors tech article also and eerything looks about the same.....

any help would be muchly appreciated.

Touge Boy
18th June 2010, 05:01 PM
Im assembling my wilwood kit onto my BC coilovers tomorrow, Ill take some measurements and pass them on if you want?

18th June 2010, 07:22 PM
man would be great if you could ...

ive got dimensions for the hub, the new bearings fit the same as he old ones, and i got them from slydar so im sure they are right.
the backing plates come from craig at just jdm, so again, pretty sure they are right.
the brakes are the stocko t3 big bake kit that people have been using with no problems, sundee is checking the dimensions of the rotor but it looks fine
strut is brand new hsd from otomoto... again something that a few people i know have used with no troubles...

Touge Boy
18th June 2010, 07:29 PM
Im getting the rotor dimensions for joel haha.

Ill measure everything up for you mate... seems weird that it's all parts that a lot of people are using but they wont work> Something's not right. Ill have a sus tomorrow and get back to you.

18th June 2010, 08:02 PM
had another play and it looks like the small outer bearing wont fit over the spindle.

so either i have a incorect hub or the spindle on the struts is somehow wrong.

maybe i have ke70 hubs by mistake? does anyone know if tke70 hubs have a smaller outer bearing than the ae86?

18th June 2010, 08:09 PM
I can get a peice of string and measure the circumference of the ke outter (small) bearing if you want

As im at home in not that kitted up with gear now.

18th June 2010, 08:26 PM
lol.... thanks biggs..

thinking back, dont the rotors for 86 and ke70 have different pcd for the mounting face? out by a few mm?

18th June 2010, 08:40 PM
not sure if these will help but hear you go



they are ke70 struts

Touge Boy
18th June 2010, 09:02 PM
Ill remember to measure my hubs tomorrow as well.

18th June 2010, 09:45 PM
mine dont look anything like that biggs....






im not popular at the moment...


and all to go in this...


18th June 2010, 10:00 PM
Flip the disc over?

That wont work will it... Whats the go with the spacer, looks like you dont really need one OR
The way I see it working is with a smaller dia spacer inside the disc, flipped over. Capeche? haha

18th June 2010, 10:04 PM

as kenny said, it looks like the rotors have far to much offset to work with anything

18th June 2010, 10:07 PM
also, sell me your rear coilovers!!!!!

whats wrong with the 86? why the change? fix 3S, bolt in, do skids, win with women, die happy.

18th June 2010, 10:09 PM
Also, bolt the caliper bracket on to the back instead

18th June 2010, 10:22 PM
back of what biggo?

the rotor cant fit over the bigger section of the hub to go on the other way.

the offset "looks" a lot like the offset i have seen of working kits on struts.... is doing my pretty little head in lol

18th June 2010, 10:23 PM
that thing in your rotor looks the wrong way round,
perhaps your rca is too big?

18th June 2010, 10:26 PM
also, sell me your rear coilovers!!!!!

whats wrong with the 86? why the change? fix 3S, bolt in, do skids, win with women, die happy.

yeah, the coilovers were one of my grander moments lol... this appears to be one of my lesser moments

the 86 is happily sitting there protecting the grass growing up through the chassis :) the engine is here along with everything needed to get it going, but i decided a while ago to get a better daily so the mrs would stop making me drive her 121 :) so the plan was to have all the running gear from the 86 into the ke70, then do something stupid to the 86.

we are moving to tassie in a few months, so it will go in the new shed and then get something stupid fitted :)

and the ke70 will be the hills car if i can get up and down the drive way to the new property.... if not it will have to go to fund a new 4x4 :(

19th June 2010, 03:24 AM
had another play and it looks like the small outer bearing wont fit over the spindle.

so either i have a incorect hub or the spindle on the struts is somehow wrong.

maybe i have ke70 hubs by mistake? does anyone know if tke70 hubs have a smaller outer bearing than the ae86?

I had this same problem with the bearings not fitting the spindle. The coilovers must be made "just" out of tolerance, because i carefully filed around the spindle and sanded it with emery paper to smooth it over.

19th June 2010, 10:31 AM
how much material did you have to remove?

19th June 2010, 10:45 AM
I had an issue getting my bearings on the spindle too, but with the smallest amount of force they went on, and come off easily now, no dramas

Andy San
19th June 2010, 11:17 AM
I have those rotors, those hubs (they are 86 ones), as far as i can see you've done everything pretty right so far, looks like the problem lies in the new struts perhaps

19th June 2010, 12:21 PM
are you sure those are 86 hubs?

mine look a bit different to that.

the face where the disc bolts to has less of a step in it??

so to me it looks like your disc would sit further towards the strut?


Touge Boy
19th June 2010, 12:44 PM
Hey Patrick.. do you have a set of verniers? Im about to start pulling my stuff apart, Ill measure the stub axle for you.

Andy San
19th June 2010, 01:01 PM
are you sure those are 86 hubs?

mine look a bit different to that.

the face where the disc bolts to has less of a step in it??

so to me it looks like your disc would sit further towards the strut?


now you've put that picture up it makes me wonder, could those other hubs be t18 ones? they should still come close to fitting to the 86 stuff without working properly

19th June 2010, 01:06 PM
ive got some t18 hubs in the shed if you need a pic

19th June 2010, 01:33 PM
this is what mine look like dave... "one of these is not like the other.... "


yours would most definatley work with what i want... so im guessing mine are a dud :(


WORST TECH DRAWING EVER..... but you get the idea... any chance of measurements dave?

Touge Boy
19th June 2010, 02:41 PM
I measured the stub axle pat... Inboard from the thread is 18mm, steps up 1mm, then goes up to 29mm on the flat section closest to the caliper bracket.

Angled section from 18mm to 29mm is 41mm long.

I can see you're looking at the hubs, but this may/will eliminate the coilovers as the problem.

Ill take some pics and measurements of the hubs in a bit.

19th June 2010, 02:44 PM
thanks for that

i dont have verniers, but ill have a crack at matching the numbers...

Touge Boy
19th June 2010, 03:03 PM
Just out of curiosity... my hubs have "AE" stamped/cast into them....

19th June 2010, 03:24 PM
both of them??? i cant find any stamping on mine?

Touge Boy
19th June 2010, 03:43 PM
yeah I just checked.... both of them do.

19th June 2010, 04:11 PM
you recon yours look like mine or daves??? ke70?

Touge Boy
19th June 2010, 04:57 PM
Here's mine...



and the wilwood setup on Dave/Mr Awesome's struts


19th June 2010, 06:12 PM
yer mine looks like yours touge boy, cept i cant see any AE stamped on mine. but as you can see they are fairly coroded (the important parts are fine)

yours are way different there fanta.....

where your measurement of 34mm is, mine is about 10mm at the most. explains why your disc fouls on everything:(

19th June 2010, 06:17 PM
fuckshitballscuntstickcockballsfacesmashtitarsefuc kcocksmashfistshitbastardfuckersmartarsecuntfeatur edshitsmashercunt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

it looks like i have the wrong hubs boys..... anyone have a spare set of 86 hubs??? :(

19th June 2010, 06:18 PM
ps thanks for everyones help solving this :) appreciated!

19th June 2010, 06:29 PM
unlucky mate..

sorry doc cant help you out with the hubs though:( hard enough to get the ones i have!

Touge Boy
19th June 2010, 06:33 PM
PM Joel @ Spirited drive Pat... He had some complete struts for sale, I was going to buy the caliper brackets and hubs before I bought my old coils back.

Glad you have it sussed now.

19th June 2010, 06:38 PM
hey dave any chance i could "borrow" a hub for 20 mins and trial fit everything so i know im on the right track??? can compensate with burnt meat and beer if needed ? :)

19th June 2010, 07:30 PM
Just out of curiosity... my hubs have "AE" stamped/cast into them....

oh snap mine do to!

and where there is the measurement of 26 in the pic mine are closer to 40

19th June 2010, 08:32 PM
yeah that seems to be the kicker. themounting face on my hubs for the disc rotor is close to the strut but about 20mm.... :(

19th June 2010, 08:33 PM
anyone have slydar phone number.... pm me so i can get in touch with him? or just pass on my details? 0422 868 928

cheers guys