View Full Version : mystery clutch problem

19th June 2010, 06:05 AM
car has a heavy duty clutch, has been working fine when i first had it, although it was really "deep" had to have it literally to the floor to change gears without any crunches.

went for a slide, through 1 corner i handbraked and the car turned off mid-drift, clutch out turned back on. after that i had no clutch at all. clutch in, it wouldn't go into gear at all.

decided to drive to the nearest petrol station to bleed the clutch, how did i drive it there? engine off and shifted into first turned the car on and took off in first and engine and rev gearbox match shit woteva you want to call it to change gears.....got there bleed it from the slave and the "box" as i call it and still the same thing. clutch in and it wont go into gear...

it was working absolutely fine until i did that 1 slide,

so now what can the problem be? blocked lines? slave or master is knackered?

one of my mates said maybe the pin inside the cabin or a nut has gone loose or where the slave is 1 of the nuts or something is maxed out...im not exactly sure what but i will be having another look at it on monday. just wanted ideas of what to look for or wot the problem can be.

also i took it to a mechanic and he jst sed the clutch is rooted... but mehh i dont know

cheers guys


played around with it more today.....when sitting inside the car and pumping the clutch with the car on you can kind of hear some noise....the noise is hard to describe but its like when your bleeding the brakes/clutch noise KIND OF not exactly sure how to describe it

and the feel is different....when you push down slowly or release slowly, you get this "step" feel when i say step its like start go start go kind of feel to it. will have the the car on stands 2moro didnt get enough time to get that far :(

DOG the rolla hunter
19th June 2010, 03:04 PM
collapsed pressure plate....if it is all bled no external leaks and hydraulics are good.if it feels like you are pushing it all the way but not fully disengaging the clutch pull that gearbox out(yay) you will see the prongs on the pressure plate that maybe 2 or 3 are hanging out further than the others. hard to diagnose over internet but thats probably gunna be it.

20th June 2010, 02:03 PM
yea it is hard to diagnose but if i do end up taking out the gearbox out to have a look, *borat voice* it will be a pain in my ass holes. gayyyyy only owned the car for 2 days and second night its out of action.....

DOG the rolla hunter
20th June 2010, 09:16 PM
thats racing

Hen may possibly be a nut
20th June 2010, 11:41 PM
Sounds like it might be a master.

Firstly check if the clutch fork moves when you press the clutch. If it's moving then your problem's inside the bellhousing, possibly fingers as mentioned above.

If the clutch fork isn't moving (or not much) then it's a hydraulic problem. You can try pushing the clutch fork manually with a broom handle or something to see if that makes the problem go away.


21st June 2010, 05:36 AM
if its as bad as you say it might take more than a regular bleed.

check nothing loose near the pedals (i highly doubt)

check to see if forks moving

check for leaks on rubber lines and at joins

check condition of the slave that its pushing nice and straight, pull the little boot back and make sure its not dribbling fluid

if all is good then chances are either your fork has slipped infront of the spigot as it wasnt fitted properly or a pressure plate issue.

packs wouldnt be that sharp of a difference without a bang.

21st June 2010, 06:29 PM
played around with it more today.....when sitting inside the car and pumping the clutch with the car on you can kind of hear some noise....the noise is hard to describe but its like when your bleeding the brakes/clutch noise KIND OF not exactly sure how to describe it

and the feel is different....when you push down slowly or release slowly, you get this "step" feel when i say step its like start go start go kind of feel to it. will have the the car on stands 2moro didnt get enough time to get that far :(