View Full Version : SR20DET Conversation

18th August 2010, 09:36 PM
Hi Guys,

I'm strongly considering converting my current 4AGE sprinter into a SR20DET sprinter. I am well aware of what needs to be change, however i would like to understand how you have over come some issues.

The first issue is around the speedo on the sprinter dash, the stock speedo runs through a cable, however i am lead to believe the the speedo on the s13 dash is electric. How have those of you that have done this conversation worked around making your existing speedo work, or what have you done to replace the stock speedo to something that will work.

My last questions at this point in time is around who happens to drive their SR20 sprinter on the road in Vic? i am looking to make the car legit by Vicroads standard's, ie Engineering Certificate for Motor, box, brakes(RX 7), Diff, Speedo. Has anyone been down that path, any suggestions for me as i travel down?

For those that have done it, even if not in Vic please feel free to leave your comment's as it all helps.

Thanks in advance.

18th August 2010, 10:10 PM
Can answer your questions only thing is a have a ca18det in my hachi. if you want to use your original ae86 cluster you will have to get yourself a rb20 speedo cable and just change the end of it to suit your cluster.

You should not have a issue with engineering it as long as everything is done correctly eg. engine mounts, gbox xmember, moded tunnel. brakes up graded, fuel system under the car etc.

PM me if you have any questions otherwise GL

Hen may possibly be a nut
19th August 2010, 01:30 AM
If you want to get it engineered, talk to an engineer now, BEFORE you start doing things. They should be able to run you through the things to concentrate on and that they will inspect at the end. Could well make life easier in the long run.


19th August 2010, 09:58 AM
i had an sr in my lifty race car and did alot of firewall and tunnel mods to make it fit right it worked ok
but its like fitting a squre peg in a round hole now i'm going 3sgte

and the std s13 s14 box is real long and you'l have hand brake problems

as for rx7 conversion i'm real happy with the ajps setup i'm running on my notchie