View Full Version : ANY: 14x8 / 15x8 & Wider - Longchamp/SSR MK2/3s/Mesh/Dish Wheels Neg Offset [SYD]

24th September 2010, 02:04 AM
Trying here before going the route of a Yahoo Japan dealer as looks like thats my only freakn option paying outta the ass.

Have some dosh to spend so welcome to all offers and conditions (bad ones too).

- Looking for classic style to go on my MA61
- nothing smaller than 8" wide
- Longchamps/SSR Mk2/3s /Equips
- the old meshies if theyre good enough
- anything similiar
- decent offset near negative

Pick up preferred in Sydney as I dont wanna be wire transfering across anything over a few hundred $...

Regards, Ivan (dude)