View Full Version : WRC Rally Australia
15th February 2009, 08:14 PM
September, Kingscliff NSW.
Will be at this for sure.
15th February 2009, 08:34 PM
sydneys irish twincam brigade will be in attendance janspeeds bapping and light house lights at every junction
maybe not but i'll be there
16th February 2009, 12:05 AM
Accomadation at Byron should be cheap, should book something now.
Some laugh & the last chance to see a WR car in action, been spoilt over the last few years living in Ireland seeing 10 to 20odd of them out almost every weekend during the summer months.
Thinking back Ive seen all of the modern gear over the past 5 years, 95-2008 Subaru WRCs, Corolla WRC, All the Lancers, even the last funny looking one, 206, 307 WRC, Focus Variations, Citroen Xara & C5, Hyundai Accents Variations, Skoda Octavia & Fabia, What ever else there was!!
Big Toyota Celica fan but the last of the Escort WRCs did it for me, havent seen a genuine one out for a while now.
16th February 2009, 06:05 PM
godfather owns the last wrc escort ever made eirecam
must sent u photos
16th February 2009, 06:37 PM
godfather owns the last wrc escort ever made eirecam
must sent u photos
Please do, there was one on pistonheads for sale a few weeks ago, said it was the 1st ever made
5th March 2009, 05:03 PM
so yep I will be making the flight from Perth to Brisbane on the Thursday night, driving down in the camper van that we hire and following the rally for every stage :D
Cant WAIT!!!!
6th March 2009, 12:14 AM
so yep I will be making the flight from Perth to Brisbane on the Thursday night, driving down in the camper van that we hire and following the rally for every stage :D
Cant WAIT!!!!
Keep us updated nearer the event, Im prob going to do something similar, unless Im still local at the time & can bring the 86, but people just wouldnt get it. Where can you buy Fog horns & , jees I actually dont know who I will be supporting at this?, Ive been a Solberg fan for years but have seen Loeb more times, Ive seen Latvala crash more times than I have seen Hirvonen drive :DD So I will be shouting for............
11th March 2009, 09:10 PM
haha can get airhorns at sports store for about $25 - i got one in the final year of rally and got it confiscated (bullsh*t strict australian marshalls)
I've become a fan of hirvonen the last few years...
11th March 2009, 10:57 PM
hirvonen,, Oi,oi,oi,oi,oi,oi,oi,oi a few jumps, oi,oi,oi,oi a few more jumps, oi,oi :hehe: they are crazy boys them fins, have some good memories of watching the stages with the Norweigans, they like the Vodka :thumbup:.
Jees youtube is unreal, this guys was straigh across from us at Rally Ireland 2 years ago, legend, drank 1ltr of Vodka during the morning, when solberg came up the stage he leaned out & the natural hedge was at about 45degrees to the road saving him from falling out ontop of the car.
27th March 2009, 08:44 PM
We are trying to enter, but it will depend on budget,
If we dont make it i will head up and spectate, there is going to be a 3KM tarmac superspecial around the speed on tweed hillclimb layout. on thursday, fri and sat night just to make it interesting.
As for our new car, since selling my sprinter :cries: , i have purchased one of the ultamate lancers to run, (well my favourite anyway) i now have a Evolution 6.5 TME RS Lancer to build into a raly car, should be quicker then the sprinter :D will post some pics when it arrives in the country in a couple of weeks.
28th March 2009, 09:48 PM
Best of luck with the entry, would be unreal to compete with the worlds best
1st April 2009, 05:47 PM
I work with Ryan Smart #19 Lancer evo 6. Hope he has a crash free weekend cos the last buff and polish costed like 10k hahahaha
Anywhat, should be good to see some of his vids when he gets back, bet it costs a minor mortgage to get there and back.
22nd April 2009, 09:53 AM
We are trying to enter, but it will depend on budget,
If we dont make it i will head up and spectate, there is going to be a 3KM tarmac superspecial around the speed on tweed hillclimb layout. on thursday, fri and sat night just to make it interesting.
As for our new car, since selling my sprinter :cries: , i have purchased one of the ultamate lancers to run, (well my favourite anyway) i now have a Evolution 6.5 TME RS Lancer to build into a raly car, should be quicker then the sprinter :D will post some pics when it arrives in the country in a couple of weeks.
Easier and cheaper solution, bolt together the motor in your shed, (I'll even give the head back if Ive picked it up!) I'll get a new flywheel and clutch, drop it in my sprinter and run it, but be kinder to the gearbox then last time you headed north.
Mines not going anywhere in a hurry, come on you know you want too.
or run Matthews Excel!!
22nd April 2009, 08:06 PM
Pretty stoked about this as It will be running in my local area. With local knowledge and a little help from some work keys I'll no doubt have a nice spectating spot.
If I don't end up working as a volunteer or something of the like I'll get my finger in the pie somehow! I know a few old dudes in the local Rotary Club who have somethin to do with organising or something.
1st July 2009, 10:52 PM
Ok 2 months to go, we are still on track to make it, budget it 90% of the way there just trying to track down some more sponsorship, (and selling lots of stuff i dont need any more)
I know its not AE86 related anymore but my Lancer is nearly finished, cage is being put in as we speak.
It will be fun :thumbup:
1st July 2009, 11:01 PM
I should be coming back up to Brisbane for this. Cant wait!
31st July 2009, 12:54 PM
Just over a month to go now!!
Havent checked this thread for ages, didnt realise that you were preparing a car for this ae86truneo! how awesome!
We've got a campervan...reckon it will be fine to just camp on the side of the road somewhere in this area?
31st July 2009, 12:56 PM
I'm doing stage setup and security starting the Sunday before right through to the end... it's gonna be a long week, our team is up at 3-4am most morning... the upside is at least we get to see a fair bit of the action after we're done though!
16th August 2009, 05:23 PM
Not long to go now, yipeee
23rd August 2009, 08:53 PM
Flights are booked!
24th August 2009, 12:46 PM
With the brake issues sorted, Final shakedown all went well, car didnt miss a beat all day, it certainly made all the long days in the garage all worth it,
Jack Monkhouse had a drive as well and it felt good when he jumps out of the car and says "can i have this one" and "dont change a thing"
He couldnt believe it had a 32mm restrictor and a standard ECU in it
29th August 2009, 06:01 PM
Good man ben, will give you a thumbs up from the sideline
2nd September 2009, 02:20 AM
I will cheer for you when i see you mate!
Anyone seen all the controversy surrounding this rally?
Expect to see masses of protestors..... f***n hippys
6th September 2009, 02:08 PM
Expect to see masses of protestors..... f***n hippys
Saw them alright, fat dirty women in the nip with no rally written on their arses.
I did a quick U-turn knocking down 2 trees killing a family of koalas to get this picture.
7th September 2009, 07:30 PM
Favourite sign of them all over the weekend:
"Koalas love antilag"
Got home today, had an awesome time. The WRC cars are incredible!
9th September 2009, 07:59 PM
hahaha damn it, i think that antilag sign was inspired from the one we had written on the side of our van "Save the Rocks, Throw a Koala"
Was an EPIC event, loved everything about it - even the protestors! its fun to abuse them hahaha
9th September 2009, 08:49 PM
yeah or going past them banging off the rev limiter haha
if found that quite enjoyable lol
22nd September 2009, 10:12 AM
This was my favorite! We were doing course setup, and we flew past this sign at about 80km/hr, hit the picks and reversed up to take a pic... from about 100m the artist (pictured) comes bolting up to be in the photo! Classic!
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