View Full Version : Unknown ECU

27th March 2011, 08:33 PM
Hey guys,

I have an aftermarket ECU in my car, Well atleast I think I do...

I have a anodized Blue box were my ECU is usually is situated, It has no stickers on it, numbers... Nada. But it does have yellow plugs were all the leads go into the box.

Can anyone enlighten me on what i'm currently running? I'm berwilded.



27th March 2011, 08:40 PM
My guess is its a FREEDOM ecu.

they are a jap brand

does it look like this:


28th March 2011, 11:37 AM
most likely what slide86 has posted. good luck tuning it!

29th March 2011, 07:22 PM
most likely what slide86 has posted. good luck tuning it!
if you dont mind me asking, why is that, no one does them in aus???

29th March 2011, 07:27 PM
Yer as far as I know nobody tunes them. I guy from my old work had one and was having a really hard time trying to find someone able to tune it, that was in sydney.

29th March 2011, 07:38 PM
correcto. and im sure i read that these are tuned in japanese characters (forget the proper term, kanji?).

29th March 2011, 10:38 PM
"tuned in japanese characters" sounds so funny. It's just that the interface software is only available in japanese. You still tune in numbers, you just can't read the headings or what you're doing.

29th March 2011, 10:44 PM
haha my bad, skylar described what my brain could not.

29th March 2011, 10:51 PM
"We'll send the kanji for tree to this cell to make it run richer than the before which had the kanji for quick"