View Full Version : Charge Light always on

11th April 2011, 11:22 PM
Hey guys, My charge warning light is always one while the engine is running although the alternator is charging at 13.6v at the battery and about 14.4v at the alternator. I've checked the 7.5A fuse in the fuse box. The car has been converted from a 4AC to a 4AGE I was wondering if there could be other fuses because looking at the wiring for 4age there's the ign fuse and charge fuse. Or are chances are the internal reg has gone and isn't sending an output to the warning light? The person that converted it decided to color the wiring on the back or the alternator 2 black and 1 yellow...

12th April 2011, 09:07 PM
by the sounds of it they didnt wire up the warning light properly

12th April 2011, 09:22 PM
or it could possible be the alternator copper brushes worn......
my 4age charge light was on and it was that changed the copper brushes(i think thats what there called