View Full Version : Can you get blue slip & engineer cert

9th March 2006, 09:20 AM
Yeah trying to find out weather you can get a blue slip and engineers certificate while running an ems computer on a 4agte , also I doubt it but I'm going to be running a trust external gate also.. is it possible to pass with this ? Does any one know any way round this ? Any help would be much appreciated . Cheers.

9th March 2006, 10:29 AM
the external gate is ok as long as it is plumbed into the exhaust (i.e no screamer) the ems i think is a no no, but you might find someone who will pass it still.

ive just been reading the new draft of guide lines for vehicle modifications. its a bit odd. you cant change things like cams ect unless you prove it hasnt effected emissions, but then with turbo chargers it says theyre ok to be fitted, but doesnt go into detail about how youre ment to tune for them.


have a read, those are the guidelines.

9th March 2006, 11:21 AM
Couldn't get the link to work . Yeah I figured that about the sceamer ..what a nightmare who in their right mind wants to plumb back a screamer http://www.ae86drivingclub.com.au/forums/emoticons/sad.gif . Yeah computer is goin to be the hard part . Could probly get past by an engineer, but blue slip is another story I think .

9th March 2006, 05:21 PM
wouldn't you just make wiring in the bay nice, neat and factory looking and then put ems under kick panel, and dont say anything about and if he asks tell him its running factory GZE comp.

have never gone for blue slip and had the mechanic looking for ECU to check it says toyota

9th March 2006, 07:40 PM
I guess I could give it a try, but there not dull blokes the old engineers, I'm sure they notice all the missing sensors,plugs, wires, ect . Would love to know if people have done this before ...cheers mate !

9th March 2006, 09:34 PM
just say you gave it a "freshen up" http://www.ae86drivingclub.com.au/forums/emoticons/tongue.gif

9th March 2006, 09:34 PM
im in the same boat. im thinking bout wiring a dummy standard comp in. Can anyone give us some ideas or comments if they have tried this?

26th March 2006, 02:21 PM
im the same also. i tried for a blue slip and got knocked back for engineer cert saying car was supercharged when it was fitted with a turbo so i was told to get a new certificate. my car also has an ems ecu so when i took it to the engineer he told me to get it put on a dyno and get a gas analysis done and if its under 3.3% co2 readout at 80ks on light load he will pass it no worries and also the old certificate said microtech computer on it and the blue slip mechanic didnt say anything about that so i hope that helps.im in nsw by the way

ps. the car goes on the dyno on the 4th april so ill let you know how it goes

26th March 2006, 02:32 PM
I really think the requirements vary across the states. Victoria is hard on emmissions and to get a car passed you have to do the rollong road emmissions test which can only be done at the ford or toyota facrory at a cost of around $3000

26th March 2006, 02:44 PM
the first engineer i asked said he wouldnt touch it. i also had the dude at my local parts shop tell me id need to have an emission test done by the epa and that would cost about $5000. but i suppose it varies from engineer to engineer on how they feel about such issues.

26th March 2006, 02:55 PM
the guy i went to asked me if he wanted to do the wiring for mine http://www.ae86drivingclub.com.au/forums/emoticons/biggrin.gif ask around

26th March 2006, 02:55 PM
Im no expert on any of this but maybe do as said above and make it look as standard as possible and put the ecu somewhere else and make it look like its running a standard ecu ie run dummy wires ect


26th March 2006, 03:46 PM
the engineer im using to pass the car said he doesnt care if it has an aftermarket computer in it as long as it has less than 3.3% co2 emission readout on the dyno(should be well under that) which is getting done on tuesday week and itll only cost me about a hundred bucks. so with that done he will pass it no worries

26th March 2006, 08:20 PM
boosted86 whos your engineer?

your in NSW arent you?


26th March 2006, 08:29 PM
Originally posted by Dom-AE71@Mar 26 2006, 08:20 PM
boosted86 whos your engineer?

your in NSW arent you?

i would also like too know where abouts you are getting it engineerd, coz i rang about 15 engineering places in nsw and they all said they wont touch anything with aftermarket computers

26th March 2006, 08:30 PM
yeah im in new south wales im about 5 hours south of sydney but the engineer im using is in queenbeyan and theyre called akz vehicle engineering