View Full Version : wreckers in qld

21st April 2006, 05:39 PM
hey all i was wondering if some people could suggest some wreckers on the gold coast.
im after a celica gt4 radiator and t18 rear half of tail shaft.

i had a look on yellowpages.com but couldnt really find out want i wanted to know.

if people could help me out that would be awsome.

ta ben

Brenton 86
21st April 2006, 05:55 PM
Just toyota - kamholz cr. ashmore
cant find number sorry

21st April 2006, 06:01 PM
Haha GT4 at the wreckers? are you on drugs?

Best bet is to talk to an import mob

Apparently there are a couple of T18's at Narangba wreckers up here on the northside.

21st April 2006, 06:04 PM
lol okies then maybe the radiator is a bit far fetched, i jsut got recomended this and dont really know the car it comes from. jsut given that info thats all.

were the hell is narangba and wats the numbers for these places if you know,

ta ben

21st April 2006, 09:03 PM
hey just a question, i got a t-18 diff and i took my stock AE86 tailshaft and meausred it against the t-18 shaft to see if i needed to buy it also but found it was exactly the same. both tailshafts were the same length. this confused me as to why people insist you need the t-18 shaft cos its slightly shorter. unless some1 already installed a t-18 tailshaft on my 86 before i owned it but left the s series diff????