View Full Version : URGENT ae86 Full alignment brisbane tomorrow.

28th April 2006, 04:49 PM
I'm in a situation. I need a proper ae86 suspension alignment done in brisbane tomorrow by someone who knows what they are doing. Adjustable upper/lower arms etc...

It was supposed to be done today, but there was a fuel leak problem and we couldnt move the car. I have a trackday on tuesday that is paid for http://www.ae86drivingclub.com.au/forums/emoticons/sad.gif

HELP http://www.ae86drivingclub.com.au/forums/emoticons/sad.gif http://www.ae86drivingclub.com.au/forums/emoticons/sad.gif http://www.ae86drivingclub.com.au/forums/emoticons/sad.gif

28th April 2006, 04:55 PM
go to pedders they will do it for u

28th April 2006, 06:15 PM
keith i would give fulcrum a call down behind autoshop...

wait.. you have upper and lower adjustable conrtol arms!! give them here!

28th April 2006, 07:41 PM
dude, any tyre/suspension joint should be able to do this for you.

yellow pages would be the ideal way to find a place...not a fucking forum...

28th April 2006, 08:49 PM

What he said.

Spoon feeding's becoming a plague... http://www.ae86drivingclub.com.au/forums/emoticons/huh.gif

28th April 2006, 09:12 PM
accurate suspension

although i doubt you'd get in tomorrow

28th April 2006, 11:54 PM
dude, any tyre/suspension joint should be able to do this for you.

yellow pages would be the ideal way to find a place...not a fucking forum...[/b]

Please read the post before you jump into a flame

I'm aware at what I can get from pedders etc. I've been there before. I want someone who knows what they are doing with an ae86.