View Full Version : Engine conversion

18th June 2006, 09:24 PM
Hey. I hav a ke70 rolla with 4k n 5 spd manual. I was thinking bout doin a 4ag conversion but jus dont think

it gonna be possible to get the cash jus now. Do u guys think it wil be worth it to buy an ae71 n take

evrything out of it n put it in my ke. Eg bigger engine, betta gearbox n all that. I was then gonna put a 2L

cortina carbie on it. Is it worth doin? And also where can i get my hands on a cheap manual ae71.

Thanks for any help. . .

I really wonna turn my ke into a bit of a machine. I love cars n wonna get this project done b4 the end of

septemba, coz i get my Pssssssss. I wil try to get sum pics of my car up jus for the hell of it. Its really clean

with fresh paint etc jus got zero balls.

18th June 2006, 10:38 PM
sell it and buy and ae71, or turbo the 4k

19th June 2006, 06:46 PM
Nah KEs are better. Cant drive a turbo (new ps laws).

19th June 2006, 06:53 PM
yeah im sure the new P rules will stop peopel drivign turbo cars..

20th June 2006, 12:40 AM
that rule must be very ghey

20th June 2006, 09:29 AM
that rule must be very ghey[/b]
yeah shes pretty fucked up.
cant drive turbs or s/c i dont think you can drive V8's.... not sure on the V8's though.

20th June 2006, 11:20 AM
also cannot drive any car with a modified engine, so yopu cant do anything to your KE, selll it and buy the AE

20th June 2006, 11:32 AM
That's one good thing about living in tassie. No stupid P plate rules. Yay

20th June 2006, 12:57 PM
^^ or queensland, no P plate rules at all muahah (cept zero alcohol)

20th June 2006, 02:49 PM
^^ Same with SA http://www.ae86drivingclub.com.au/forums/emoticons/biggrin.gif

Not meant to have any alkyhol in the system, but i hav had a mate get let off with .012.

Cause he had tried to do the right thing and slept the night and stuff.


20th June 2006, 05:12 PM
lucky.. drink driving = lots of $$ and no license..

I was just thinking, once you get a t-50, convert to hydro clutch, (might have to get a ae71 tailshaft?), put in the 4a crossmembers and engine mounts, all that stuff you have to do for 4AC.. you may as well go to 4age, i mean they're not that expensive and you would've already done the groundwork?

20th June 2006, 05:34 PM
I wouldnt really think the amount of effort it would take to swap a 4kc with a 4ac is worth the power increase. Save for the 4age and get yaself a ae crossmember.

20th June 2006, 05:58 PM
so does that mean i cnt put a stock jdm 4age in my 86? http://www.ae86drivingclub.com.au/forums/emoticons/ohmy.gif

20th June 2006, 08:22 PM
if you're under those P plate rules yes, i'd imagine it does... i think its only for first year P platers though? not sure

20th June 2006, 08:25 PM
Its if you got your ps after last year sometime...

and im pretty sure its till you get your full licence.
thanks god i had my p's ages before the date. or it would have been no turbo hachi for me...

well until i sold it http://www.ae86drivingclub.com.au/forums/emoticons/sad.gif

20th June 2006, 09:51 PM
Yeh but a change from 4k to 4ac is pretty hard to pik up. But if i was to turbo the 4k its to easy to see. No cop is gonna be able to tel the difference between the two. KEs r beta then AEs n i wonna hav this little project to do. Plus like bahnugget sed if i do all the ground work wen i get my blacks the 4ag can go straight in.

Havnt herd anyone get done for driving turbo on there ps yet so maybe coppers rnt enforcing it.

21st June 2006, 05:18 PM
^ sure, not many cops would notice the 4AC in a ke70, but wait til you crash into a beemer or something, and find that your insurance company wont cover you.. then you're up shit creek without a canoe

21st June 2006, 07:55 PM
yea u would have to engineer the 1300cc to 1600cc
which is why the AEs are better than the KEs

21st June 2006, 11:36 PM
wats it cost to get a 4age engineered in the old rollas

22nd June 2006, 07:36 PM
what bout putting a 5k in it n a webber carbie or sumthing. Is it worth it what would i need apart from engine?

25th June 2006, 09:42 PM
still after advice fellas before i start buying anything

26th June 2006, 07:03 PM
that must really suck.. im in tassie so we can get away with even more stuff done to our cars without getting it engineered http://www.ae86drivingclub.com.au/forums/emoticons/biggrin.gif i know a bloke who can pass cars. when you go to him to get a road worthy certificut (i.e. over the pits), he checks the lights work, all panels are on, its not too loud and kicks the tyres and ticks the boxes.

i have a ke70 (ae71 looking) that i am putting a 4a conversion atm, just collecting parts. got a 4ac just need t-50, and the rest of the conversion bits. maybe you should get a ae71. if you are keen on keeping the ke, get the 4ag and converion bits shuck them in the shed and leave them there until you can put them in. in the meen time get some suspension, brakes, nice rims, t-series diff and maybe and lsd. by time you have done this you should be getting towards the end of your Ps (maybe), your ke will be a wet weather wepon only at this stage but as soon as you can you will have a neat little pakage. i know a guy that has a ke70, it only has a small amount of suspension work and desent rims and good rubber extractors and exhauset (carbie??) and that gose hard. i dont know if you could put a new exhaust on the thing or not, might want to check that out, maybe be the only mod you can do to your engine.

27th June 2006, 01:56 PM
yeh i myt jus build up a nice 5k n jus hav it as a daily driver then sell it wen i get off my ps, buy a sprinter or a ae71 n 4AGTE it. I jus want more power out my KE so i can do little slides in the dry as well as the wet jus as a bit of fun nothing serious til i learn how to 'drive' properly.

Thanks for the help fellas. Anyone selling a 5K send it my way.

27th June 2006, 03:53 PM
buy an AE71 and put the KE front on it