View Full Version : KE70 over rated or under rated

30th December 2006, 09:44 PM
I don't know about you but it seems to me that the prices of the ke70's are on the up and some people are complaining about people calling them "drift pigs" I was just wondering do people like these cars because they are fast or do they like them because they are cheap I have one as a paddock basher it seems slow to me but it's not the best example of one either. just wondoring if this car is under rated or over rated what do you think. http://www.ae86drivingclub.com.au/forums/emoticons/smile.gif

30th December 2006, 09:53 PM
Stock AE71 (4AC RWD early 80's Corolla) - between $1-2k
Stock AE86 (4AC RWD early 80's Corolla) - between $4-5k

Buy the AE71 and spend extra $2k you saved on mods. Now car goes faster...
Buy the AE86 and you have a rare future classic...

Either way both good value IMO but if ur going to use it for track work or drift and want bang for your buck then can't go past AE71. Cheap and plentiful parts and essentially the same car.

30th December 2006, 10:00 PM
^^^^^^That was just so damm clear^^^^^^^ http://www.ae86drivingclub.com.au/forums/emoticons/biggrin.gif

30th December 2006, 10:19 PM
Stock AE71 (4AC RWD early 80's Corolla) - between $1-2k
Stock AE86 (4AC RWD early 80's Corolla) - between $4-5k

Buy the AE71 and spend extra $2k you saved on mods. Now car goes faster...
Buy the AE86 and you have a rare future classic...

Either way both good value IMO but if ur going to use it for track work or drift and want bang for your buck then can't go past AE71. Cheap and plentiful parts and essentially the same car.[/b]

right on the money.

86's are too hard to find now, so 70/71's are in demand. they are/can be cool with the same mods as an 86. they are both as fun as each other being based around the same platform. the whole "pig" and "disposable drifter" status given to them doesn't help with sales figures as it makes them seem like they are plentiful, when in actual fact they are too becoming harder to find. they were once plentiful, prolly moreso about a year ago, still are easier to find than an 86.

being loosely based on the ae86 platform means they are essentially the same car, they just look different. if you can look past that or appreciate that for what it is, you can have a car that looks different (porn!!) yet will perform the same as an equally modified 86.

i personally love 70's just look at the JDM ones, if they don't get you hooked you are a fag........

KE70's are porn i will own another one.

30th December 2006, 10:32 PM
if i had found a 70 or 71 in the same nick and same modifications is my car i would have snapped it up,
if it was the same price i wouldnt buy it, so i guess i have double standards, this implies that i think the sprinter is worth more just based on looks, but in another 20 yrs, i think the sprinter will be an absolute classic, they will be very similar to the old school skylines that we see today with radiculous price tags, both are a japanese cult car and will both have fans forever

30th December 2006, 10:45 PM
i paid 500 bucks for my ke70 and its the funnest car iv ever driven. they look hot and are cheap (compared to an ae86). if you want an 86 for the driving experience and not the looks/street cred..... i reccomend a ke70
but i myself will be buying an ae86 in the future as i like the look more. but ke70's really are a good car in their own right and i think they will increase in value like ke10s have, being the last rwd corolla.
but both cars own anything anyway so i feel lucky to have either http://www.ae86drivingclub.com.au/forums/emoticons/smile.gif

30th December 2006, 10:51 PM
ke70 with a 4kc=horrendous

30th December 2006, 11:42 PM
just out of interest... the time taken to convert a ke70 to a ae71 for a 4a series engine, would take about a day to do? of course taking your time, bluding etc? and id cost around $300ish???

just need some confirmation / expeirences on times and costs to convert the two

30th December 2006, 11:49 PM
Alot of people say that ke70's and ae71 are horrid cars to drive in stock form, not that they arnt but who here say's theyre stock ae86 is much more fun to take for a bash?

Ke70's are generally known as cheap cars becuase theyre are getting that age where rust, hundreds of kilometres and general failure of parts is a given. To add to that they are a family seden which generally wouldnt have as much love given throughout its years as coupe or hatch ae86's would be given.

Basically for this reason people tend to think of the cars as pigs, cheap and indisposable. I dont like to think my car as that. I would be much happier to have a seamless ae71 with fresh paint, clean windows and no rust. But basically its the profile of the driver, i dont have the money and QLD government wont let up on water restrictions

I use my ae71 for drifting, it doesnt have a great setup as of current but it does go well. With as much modification as most ae86's have for drift i would say an ae71 would definately go the yards (4age, coilovers, 4 link etc)

I would even put forward that ACTUAL Ae71's are more rarer than ae86's these days.

It doesnt give reason for them to cost more than an ae86, however, it does mean that if the owner of one for sale realises the car has potential for such modification and decideds to up the price a bit for this reason it is fair enough. Obviously it shouldnt be rediculous, but if it is that is their own problem. Either of two things are going to happen in this situation. Theyre not going to have their car sell till they lower the price to a reasonable amount OR the fool that decides to pay all that extra money deserves to have that happen for not reasearching more.

Customisation and difference in parts can leave pricing of cars very questionable.

At the end of the day a car is what you make it. single cam carby 4 door family sedans turn twin cam fi low and wide drift, track or rally weapon can mean all the difference in price. Particulary if the car comes with things that hold their price more (3 peice rims, big cams, coilovers etc)

I gotta say i really like the xe7x's and would love to see many more out on track up against the ae86's just purely for the difference in the cars with the same motors.

31st December 2006, 12:41 AM
I have a lot more respect for them than a simple family sedan or bush basher, have seen nice ones and to me is another cool old-school machine for drift http://www.ae86drivingclub.com.au/forums/emoticons/smile.gif
If you want an ideal drifter that is cheap, but don't mind the car it is, then the ke70/ae71 imo is the best you can buy and will allow you to go further in terms of mods than if you had bought an 86..
However, if you truely want an 86 for the looks then by all means buy one, it's all preference, just make sure it's a good deal and not ripped off like poor Kawaii.
I've heard though, isn't the wheelbase shorter slightly than the 86?

31st December 2006, 12:50 AM
Yea pretty sure its shorter wheel base

Jase fits 15x7's +5 offset (maybe) with 35mm spacers at the front under his flaired guards

Mine stick the same wheels out about 20mm with only 25mm spacers

all on front

its true tho, E7's are becoming a cult car of its own in a way. Sorta like alot of old school carburettor cars. I love the fact that the ae71 is very fast with a motor thats practically made to go into the car from the factory

Just pure porn driving 4age ones

31st December 2006, 01:12 AM
I just love em cos they are cheap.

My car if it were an 86 would have cost like 11 000 but cos it didn't have that tak tax i got it for under half that!!!!

And lets face it they both perform as good as each other and they both look as good as each other hahahaha.(might get in trouble for that one lol)

Just comes down to personal choice and if the cult car means that much to you. For me i love these cars for their performance not the cult status/street cred whateva ya like to call it. So for me its an easy choice Whatever is cheaper!!!!!!!!!!!

31st December 2006, 01:32 AM
ke70 = perfect daily warrior http://www.ae86drivingclub.com.au/forums/emoticons/2thumbs.gif

31st December 2006, 06:39 PM
All KE's and AE's are overrated imo.

Nice cars but, I love em to death...but they are overrated!

1st January 2007, 12:13 PM
No you probably just dont see the true side of a KE or AE, i think they are underrated just a tad. And yes i agree with Grant that AE71 are getting really hard to find, i looked for a while and could only find ones that where over a 1g anyway, ratio of KE's to AE's 5:1.

1st January 2007, 12:56 PM
ke70 where made 83 to 85 while the ae71 was only 84-85
which is y they only came out with those ugly headlights

if u look hard enough u can find one

1st January 2007, 01:35 PM
yepp as has been said, all ke's and ae's are a little over rated. having said that they are awesome cars for the price!! its all about personal preference. something is only worth what someone will pay for it http://www.ae86drivingclub.com.au/forums/emoticons/tup.gif

1st January 2007, 02:00 PM
I love my poo coloured 4 door shitta http://www.ae86drivingclub.com.au/forums/emoticons/wub.gif

1st January 2007, 02:37 PM
i definately prefer an ae/ke over any nissan and etc

1st January 2007, 02:38 PM
i love my lil rolla, and it performs bloody awesome but at the end of the day, its still a corolla, where as the 86 is known pritty much world wide.

If your more concerned about getting a track ready car or just a fun daily then i say the 70/71s are under rated, but in terms of cult status, etc etc like the 86 then they are over rated.

1st January 2007, 04:55 PM
86's are fun because they always come in as the under dog and win. The ke to me is just more of an under dog than the spoontang

i honestly think adm sprinters arnt anything even remotely special and are by no means a collectors car, a classic or anything. Its like saying my pulsar is tits and a cult car and hella cool and fast cause gtir's exist. JDM levins and moreso truenos are classic cars and always will be. But adm sprinters are crap. I personally rather have a ke70 than a adm sprinter. Fair enough you can put jdm gear on it, but then its a replica isnt it.

I could either have a 4age ke70 thats well on its way to being a capable drifter, or a dead stock rusted out adm sprinter in my driveway with a 4ac that leaks oil. AND STILL PAY MORE MONEY

1st January 2007, 10:57 PM
^^ hahaha amen

1st January 2007, 11:22 PM
Yeah, i havnt read every post but i agree with that v-tec has said, I hate it how people think of them as a disposable car, that is because the ones they usually get a full of rust and they didnt own them they would be at the wreckers. But there is a small army of respectable ke's getting around today, and i think done up right they can look hotter than any 86 could ever look, and perform just as good.

Although saying that they are over rated in stock form yet underated modified.

2nd January 2007, 12:04 AM
I'd say they're over rated in the AE/KE demographic and underrated out side it.

I'm getting a 5speed ke70 with only 75,000k's for free soon, so nerr!

Then I'll have a ke70 and an ae86

2nd January 2007, 02:38 AM
I own 2 ke70's and an ae71 spirit, all of which i've picked up for a total of under 1k.

Rthy: 70's started in 1982.

ke70 where made 83 to 85 while the ae71 was only 84-85
which is y they only came out with those ugly headlights

if u look hard enough u can find one[/b]

2nd January 2007, 09:29 AM
HOTTer.... or not

imo anything adm never really done it for me...

2nd January 2007, 10:29 AM
i thought ke70's started in 1980...... i may be wrong but im pretty sure iv seen 1980 on the build plates when i wehn i was looking for one.

2nd January 2007, 12:06 PM
I'd say they're over rated in the AE/KE demographic and underrated out side it.[/b]

couldnt have said that better

rthy, not sure if i understand the last statement (it could very well be quite the opposite), but if your saying that theres no way that ke looks hotter than a ae86 i agree with you. If i saw a sprinter like that i would say, 'hey a sprinter, ok moving on'

*E7*'s as well as ae86's need lots of -offset, wide wheels (still within taste [no 17's http://www.ae86drivingclub.com.au/forums/emoticons/smile.gif ]) and have a lower centre of gravity to look hot anyway, like most sports cars


My car has subtle amounts of these things, for it to be 'hot', as it were, i would say it would have to be alot wider and a hell of alot cleaner

2nd January 2007, 02:48 PM
mines an 81 model but definately needs more - offset wheels and a little bit lower and she will look tough as.

Mine in its former humble beginings and what im aiming for.

2nd January 2007, 02:49 PM
mines an 81 model but definately needs more - offset wheels and a little bit lower and she will look tough as.

14th January 2007, 04:56 PM
Stock AE71 (4AC RWD early 80's Corolla) - between $1-2k
Stock AE86 (4AC RWD early 80's Corolla) - between $4-5k

Buy the AE71 and spend extra $2k you saved on mods. Now car goes faster...
Buy the AE86 and you have a rare future classic...

Either way both good value IMO but if ur going to use it for track work or drift and want bang for your buck then can't go past AE71. Cheap and plentiful parts and essentially the same car.[/b]

what if i can get a ae86 for 5k no rego no engineers cert with:
4age silvertop 20valve (90kw)
EMS ecu
VL turbo feul pump
surge tank i think 1.5 - 2L's
twin 10'' thermo's
4 - 1 extractors? (i think)
2.5 exhaust
front strut brace
rear strut brace
8kg front springs
mr2 short strokes
chopped AU falcon springs
suzuki sierra short strokes
t-18 locked rear
JDM front struts w/ vented disc's
sigma contro larms n ra40 rack ends
3.75 degree neg camber

reckon that would be worth 5k? its all running and driving..

14th January 2007, 06:21 PM

14th January 2007, 06:59 PM
ke70 where made 83 to 85 while the ae71 was only 84-85
which is y they only came out with those ugly headlights

if u look hard enough u can find one[/b]
The earliest ke70 ive seen is 1979 and my ae71 wagon is 83 same with my early front ke70.

14th January 2007, 08:29 PM
I just bought a KE70 and i love it!

its rusty and its slow.. but theres something about it that makes me fix it up every time i get the chance

they are a great little car

14th January 2007, 08:47 PM
id say 1 thing that appeals to me about the ke70 is to me its not about looks, its about the mechanical parts in it, so drift damage and any panel damage doesnt bother me at all... which is financially good http://www.ae86drivingclub.com.au/forums/emoticons/biggrin.gif haha

14th January 2007, 09:56 PM
still 5k for that 86 you mentioned is fkn good. you could part it out for more than that if you were that way inclined

14th January 2007, 11:53 PM
1979 ke70??? wow, ive been sworn at by people saying the earliest e7 was 1981, but mine is a 12/80 so that pissed em off, go figure.

14th January 2007, 11:55 PM
1979 ke70??? wow, ive been sworn at by people saying the earliest e7 was 1981, but mine is a 12/80 so that pissed em off, go figure.[/b]
yep its owned by the TRD brothers on rollaclub, quite a nice 70 and DAM quick so ive been told.

15th January 2007, 07:59 PM
still 5k for that 86 you mentioned is fkn good. you could part it out for more than that if you were that way inclined[/b]

well i just bought it i pick it up on saturday arvo.. getting it towed 500m to my house.. to much of a pussy to drive it and get caught its like $1,000 in fines haha thats the rego

15th January 2007, 08:48 PM
<{POST_SNAPBACK}> (index.php?act=findpost&pid=302883)

1979 ke70??? wow, ive been sworn at by people saying the earliest e7 was 1981, but mine is a 12/80 so that pissed em off, go figure.[/b]
yep its owned by the TRD brothers on rollaclub, quite a nice 70 and DAM quick so ive been told.

i this car by any chance a yellow one with Quad headliht front and SSR Super Fin style wheels? i've seen this car twice now and its the only one other than Teddy's that i've seen that has the JDM front.

2nd July 2007, 09:11 PM
i have two ke70, ones is just a daily with a locked diff and chopped springs and other one is an absolute piece of shit slammed with a locked diff as well!

they only have 4ks so they r slow as shit but i have had the most fun in them! they thrive of the wet weather, lol and r really cheap on fuel, and if u brake em or put them in to something the r so easy and cheap to fix!

i think the ke70 is a sick car for someone to just muck around in or learn to slide in and if u really want to mod them up its really not that expensive compaired to most other cars.... :2thumbs:

2nd July 2007, 10:56 PM
Well, here in the Uk the KE70 (we never got a AE71) is a very rare car, because most have rusted away or are in poor condition so when I found mine with only 40,000 km I had to have it.

the reason I like em so much is that they are alot less common here and also I wanted a car that wasnt a ae86 and had the same sort of performance as one, hence why I added a full JDM ae86 running gear.

I like to make a car idividual aswell, and I think here in the UK I have done that.

Plus, ae86's here can go for ALOT of cash in comparison to the price of a AE86 but then, here in the uk we only have JDM ones or UK ones with a full 4age sec like JDM ones.

Plus they can look far tougher than a AE86 too! :D


mine and I LOVE IT! :D

2nd July 2007, 11:03 PM
i love em to death but they are over rated... in reality they are a cheap coon thrasher any one can afford... theyre a car that can be set up well with very little money spent on them.. many parts are interchangable with other makes and models...

great car but sooo over rated..
now its cool to own one with a black bonnet and stickers??

3rd July 2007, 01:35 AM
Back from the dead! This thread will never ever stop....

-ADM 86

....same shit, different body, just depends which look you like, hatch or sedan....i prefer sedan so i bought an AE71, simple.

Much better than ke70 in standard form especially if not going 4age.

Would never say that they are overrated, they are great little cars that last forever (almost) and look absolute porn when modified properly. Already it is evident that rareity is pushing the price of the E7 up, thats supply and demand.

3rd July 2007, 02:14 AM
Completely over rated, just like the 86. And its all because of Initial D. Initial D hyped up 86's which then led to KE's being hyped up. Theyre just shitty 25 yr old cars with a 4 cyl engine which cant beat anything on the street. Only good thing is that they can slide good. But IMO the s13 is a better car for that. I've owned two of them and i can definitely say i would prefer a stock s13 with its boat suspension over a modified 86. A modified s13 w/suspension, lsd and more power creams all over 86's as far as im concerned. In fact, why bother with any of these ancient cars, id rather an s14a or 15..

The only reason why people like 86's or ke's is because they couldnt afford something better, and have developed an emotional attachment to the cars. Its the same reason why people like CA's over SR's, because they couldnt afford the SR they got the CA and have convinced themselves its better than everything else..


3rd July 2007, 02:37 AM
hahaha i like this man ^^^

3rd July 2007, 02:57 AM
Completely over rated, just like the 86. And its all because of Initial D. Initial D hyped up 86's which then led to KE's being hyped up. Theyre just shitty 25 yr old cars with a 4 cyl engine which cant beat anything on the street. Only good thing is that they can slide good. But IMO the s13 is a better car for that. I've owned two of them and i can definitely say i would prefer a stock s13 with its boat suspension over a modified 86. A modified s13 w/suspension, lsd and more power creams all over 86's as far as im concerned. In fact, why bother with any of these ancient cars, id rather an s14a or 15..

The only reason why people like 86's or ke's is because they couldnt afford something better, and have developed an emotional attachment to the cars. Its the same reason why people like CA's over SR's, because they couldnt afford the SR they got the CA and have convinced themselves its better than everything else..


In no way are we convinced that old toyotas are better than everything else! Are you serious? They are old toyotas, we know this! I think i speak for all when i say that....

In fact, why bother with any of these ancient cars, id rather an s14a or 15..[/b]

Dude....its something called being a car 'enthusiast'...

We who buy old cars do so because of the love of 'character' and 'originality' that these cars have, which, yes, leads to this emotional attatchment you speak of. If I had a car that i wasn't emotionally attached to, i would wonder why the hell i bought it!

Old school cars have a certain rawness about them that just isnt evident in the modern era of cars, which is why we 'bother' as you put it so simply, to buy and modify them.

Can't beat anything on the street? Iv'e shown my fair share of S series nissans wheres its at.

As they say, they don't make em like they used to....

3rd July 2007, 03:05 AM
I've owned two of them and i can definitely say i would prefer a stock s13 with its boat suspension over a modified 86.[/b]

You have owned the 86 for less than a week so I dont think your comment is all that valid

3rd July 2007, 03:05 AM
Konakid:I almost completely agree with you. I too like the look of the ae86.. But to a point, there are better looking and handling cars.

I wouldnt be surprised if you beat a million NA silvias, that isnt hard. Theyre shit. I beat one in my 86 just today... However I'd like to see you beat an sr20det one in a straight line, in an anything that has an NA 4cyl... I'd be pretty surprised if you could do that, seeing as i lost count how many of the Honda boys i beat in my old s13, when it only had an exhaust/filter and stock boost.

You are all entitled to your opinions... Ive driven the car for about 600 km and i dont like it. Thats all.

3rd July 2007, 03:07 AM
I like the ca more than the sr because the sr sounds like shit, but that's a personal preference.
I wouldn't say the xe7x cars are over rated or under rated. They are just what they are and that's it. I don't think highly of them or lowly of them either. No offense to the guys that own them but I'm not a huge fan of the looks of a xe7x, but then again, Toyota weren't really aiming to make it a visually stunning car, it's a corolla after all.
But it's these very factors that make them appealing to people. No one else wants them so the price has dropped to rock bottom. And if you don't want to pay the Takumi tax premium for a sprinter, you can go the xe7x route instead and have pretty much the same car as an Aussie sprinter.
If anything the adm sprinters are incredibly overated and overpriced to suit. The near stocko model's are a complete rip off when you think about it. Why spend 4k on a adm sprinter when you can go the xe7x route instead and save a good 3k in the process.

I also disagree with freeman about people only driving these cars because they are a compromise or emotional thing. I'd say the xe7x's and ae86's have a few nice advantages over other more common cars. You won't get as much police attention with them. Better on fuel. Cheaper for insurance, cheaper tyres and parts in general, higher potential due to the lower weight, no depreciation rather they will appreciate over time (might only be true for ae86).

I could of gotten a s13/180/r32/cefiro/rx7 but instead I chose the ae86 because I knew that with the budget I had I could get a pretty decent one that wouldn't break down on me like the above mentioned cars which are just thrashed for the course of their life and getting to that age where stuff just breaks due to age.

3rd July 2007, 04:40 AM
The 86 just doesnt scare me like a turbo car can, which is the best part. I dont think any NA car can be scary really, unless its a v8.

3rd July 2007, 06:36 AM
turbos arnt scary, they just have a hole in the power curve.

mate of mine has a silvia and is always amazed at how hard my car goes, how well it slides etc, have beaten wrx's in my car, rb20det's, i beat a clubby on two occasions one on a fast rolling drag and the other a standing start. These victories have absolutely nothing to do with why i own my car. I could sell my car and go buy a skyvia and be like every other wanker out there. Ive thought about selling up once or twice in the early stages of my first rolla build. But i drive a ke70 by choice, my car and myself seem to grow together, in the end, any spoon can go get a loan, hand over a wad of cash and push a pedal and go har har har, im faster than you, but in the end who gives a crap.

Built not bought.

3rd July 2007, 07:46 AM
Built not bought.[/b]

fucking hell yeah! :D hahaha

iv owned fair few Corollas and I wouldnt have a sweaty shitty s-scum Nissan anyday.

If your any sort of person who REALLY likes cars, then you wouldnt be so short sighted to see that having fun in a car isnt by which does a straight line ace the fastest but wht you do wih it round the corners. Any fag can go hard in a straight line, its the corners that sort the pussies from the men.

Everyone likes cars for different reasons and the amount of cash I have spent on my KE i could of bought a shit as s13/14 but no, I love Corollas and thats that. :D

Adam :)

3rd July 2007, 09:29 AM
freeman, if you luv s13, s14, s15 so much go to www.nissansilvia.com and whinge about your 20 year old corolla there...
If you clearly read what the topic is about its not a comparison between toyota and nissans its abotu ke70s being overrated!!!

and kona kid a agree with what you have said

ke70s are way to overrated, i have a 4ac ae82 rolla and thats fucken slow id hate to see what a ke70 is like in stock form... however k series motors have alot of potential, i know there is a 5k ke70 up in queensland that smashs WRX and EVOs in rallys, and that is an amazing feet in my eyes....

if enough money is spent on anything it will go fast

my to cents

3rd July 2007, 10:49 AM
"built not bought"

thats the most intelligent and true thing i have heard from this forum for a long time!!!

As for ke's being overrated, sure if you want them to be, my car is a peice of poo, everyone tells me its a peice of poo, but daym i love it!! its great fun to drive, there's always something to do on the car to keep me amused.

and good thing is most of what i like to do to it isnt just bolting on fancy parts (ie nissan) it generally involves some custom work, which i actually have to think about and research and experiment. and since im doin engineering at uni, this is great practise on what ill be doin in the future!

with the built not bought thing, walking into a performance shop and saying "ill have one of everything" and sticking it on your credit card, is not building a car IMO. its all about slowly building it up, peice by peice, that may take years with much research, and experimentation.

of course i would much rather a turbo R32, but at the moment ive got a 70, so might as well make the most of it!

3rd July 2007, 10:58 AM
However I'd like to see you beat an sr20det one in a straight line, in an anything that has an NA 4cyl... I'd be pretty surprised if you could do that, seeing as i lost count how many of the Honda boys i beat in my old s13, when it only had an exhaust/filter and stock boost.[/b]

races arent won on the straights theyre lost in the corners...

while the 86 might not be as fast on the straights it certainly makes up for it in handling.

3rd July 2007, 11:12 AM

3rd July 2007, 11:36 AM
I dont know about you guys but almost every turbo rb20, sr 25 ect is unreliable as fuck, cause the sencors always fuck out and they have been flogged their whole lives. I mean, who would want to buy a unthrashed corolla with a good service history and no crash history, when you can buy a mangled and poorly patched up s13 that has been smashed half a dozen times in japan and australia and has had 4 different engines and drivelines in it.

3rd July 2007, 12:03 PM
^^^ u must be retarded, i said keep it on topic.... this topic is about ke70's being under or over rated... not comparisons with nissans or any other fucken car.....

thread closed