View Full Version : whining diff

13th January 2007, 12:37 PM
hey guys just got a stock aus spec sprinter and the diff is whining like a mother fucker!

just what part of the diff is making this noise and also what up graded centers i can just dont in.

the plan is to go all out with the car and i was thinking of trying to source a 1.5 way or something.

im a nissan boy so forgive me for not knowing stuff all bout the 86


13th January 2007, 01:20 PM
a ) *sigh*
b ) search
c ) this is gonna get moved reaaaal quick. or locked.

13th January 2007, 02:53 PM
hey mate, you should have asked this q in tech questions firstly, but yeah if you have a stock aus spec hachi u will have a shitty s series diff....what you need to do if going all out with it is u need a T series diff, they r getting a little hard to find but u can buy the straight bolt in t series with disk brakes and a 2 way with rear half of tailshaft to suit, off one of our site sponsors like AJPS, banzai parts garage etc, so have a look around and see what our site sponsora have to offer and go from there...

13th January 2007, 04:01 PM
sorry my bad for posting in the wrong place

i dont really have the time atm to do to much looking round as i have another car in the build so most of my time is spent on that

unfortunatly sprinters diff is a little sick of if any one out there has a t series diff or knows of any alturnatives let me know

13th January 2007, 06:47 PM
hey mate theres a t18 rear end 4 sale... here is the link, as te post says...call dont reply

T 18 rear end click me (http://www.ae86drivingclub.com.au/forum/index.php?showtopic=11661)

hope that helps

13th January 2007, 09:38 PM
hey Jeff!!!!!!!!!!

I have a T18 im trying to sell with the tailshaft required to fit it all in good nick according to streeter.

talk to you at work about it mate.

13th January 2007, 10:28 PM
put a banana peel in it!

14th January 2007, 03:08 PM
will do boys thanks for the replys and links and not just bagging me out like on some sites!!!!!!

ae86drivingclub ftw!!!!!!

14th January 2007, 03:55 PM
man i was going to say the banana peel!!!! NO fair!!!!
oh oh hang on i've got another one!! SAW DUST!!!!!!!!