View Full Version : pure ownage .

1st May 2009, 06:00 PM
for the full read up link below :


the jest of it .

shes got an attitude problem, and is so used to getting her way, no matter how unreasonable.

and since she is the owner no-one would say anything to go against what she says. im not like that and i had a big argument with her.

long story short, theres not much parking there.

theres 4 all day carparks and 3 2hr parks down a side street where mechanics park, all the rest is 1hr parking except for out the front of the dealership which has about 10 all days and 30 2hr parks.
Parking inspectors come every day (i had my car marked 9 times in 1 day once!!!)

So myself and 2 or 3 others were parking out the front in the 2 hr carparks, they cracked the shits coz its for "their customers only". didnt matter to them that there was only 5 or so other cars parked there with plenty of spots free.

they told me to park a couple hundred metres down the road, however a car had been broken into there and another had been hit by a garbage truck.
i told them id park there if theyll pay repairs if my car gets damaged or broken into. of course that wasnt going to happen.

anyway when i had the argument with her she came upto me in the middle of the workshop and said "ive told you to move your car, why is it parked out the front?"
i explained that id had 7 parking fines and there was plenty of parks out the front spare
"i dont care, thats my parking for my customers so go and move it"

"aah no its not, its public parking"

"its for my customers, if theres no customers then you wont have a job"

"sorry, but customers are your problem, not mine. my problem is the 7 parking fines ive had, so unless your paying for anything that happens to my car im parking it in the safest place where im least likely to get fined"

etc etc etc

so its now parked right out the front in the all day parking (which i didnt park in before) just to highlight the fact that its not "her carpark" and she cant legally get it moved!



1st May 2009, 06:11 PM
hahahhaa would love to see her reaction :P

1st May 2009, 06:34 PM
Hahaha that's great.

update time:

Last fri morn i get a call from a mate that works there that the car is in a loading zone. I told him that its parked just before the leading zone.
He replied "na man, theyve pushed it forward into the loading zone and up on the curb a bit" Apparently the used car manager pushed it forward thurs night.

so i went down there fri night and found it in a loading zone (no ticket strangely enough). it had been jacked up with a trolley jack and pushed forward.

so i woved it back right into the middle of the all day car parks, put the front wheels on full lock so if its pushed on wheels it will go straight up onto the highway, jammed a metal pole between the brake pedal and the seat so all the brakes are fully on and left a nice message for them on the pole "Ha Ha!"

She must have flipped coz cops called me today, had a nice chat to him about what was going on and why.
I explained to him about the whole situation, he asked what i planned to do and how long i was going to leave it there for.

I told him that im going to leave it there for a while longer otherwise it will look like she got her way by calling the cops etc.
He understod and told me that he'd tell her that he had spoken to me and that id move it sometime in the nearish future.

Then he told me that he used to be a mechanic and we had a chat for 10 mins about cars etc. lol.

Found out later today from another mate that works at one of their other dealerships that they are wanting to do something to the car to make it unroadworthy, then try and get cops to come and defect it so ill have to move it or else it will be towed.

Bring it on bitch....................................


So then another member of the forum decides to get in on the act and put a Honda City out the front too.



Then the City had to be taken away because the guy who put it their had initially borrowed it from someone without asking (LOL!).

Then he removed the Rolla and sold it to help pay for a Ducati.

so yeah.... im pretty sure its sold, for a decent profit too i might add.

funds are going towards a motorbike in the near future. im really hoping to scrape together enough to get a second hand 1098 so every last cent helps at the moment hence selling the rolla.

funny thing was when i was starting it last night (around 8 45) a guy who was driving past stopped and came upto me. he was a service advisor there and lived with a mate who worked there and recently moved to perth.
he didnt want me to sell it and was telling me that she (the owner) was losing her shit over the cars parked there. anyway, it was good to know it had the desired effect (i kinda knew from the calls from the police though )

So, it looks like this is the end of this chapter. There is a part 2 to this episode but its not something i can disclose on here. If i think of any other LEGAL ways to annoy the shit out of Booran Holden ill be sure to post all about it in here.

And anyone reading this please feel free to use the Booran Holden Long Term Car Park. For you, no charge!

1st May 2009, 06:48 PM
nice one lol

drift kid
1st May 2009, 06:52 PM

1st May 2009, 06:53 PM
the dudes a friend of a friend,
funny stuff

1st May 2009, 06:57 PM
Where is this dealership?

May I add some of my cars to your protest?

1st May 2009, 06:58 PM
nepean hwy

1st May 2009, 07:59 PM
haha thats too funny

1st May 2009, 09:43 PM

The Enthusiast
2nd May 2009, 10:20 AM
Another way to annoy a car sales person or a company
as i now work in one,
send in the tire kickers about 30 min before shut and take cars for 5 min test drives and screw up the front line.

takes about an hour to re organise and line up a front row of 8 cars.
just an idea :)

2nd May 2009, 10:47 AM
Another way to annoy a car sales person or a company
as i now work in one,
send in the tire kickers about 30 min before shut and take cars for 5 min test drives and screw up the front line.

takes about an hour to re organise and line up a front row of 8 cars.
just an idea :)

So which one do you work at... :)

2nd May 2009, 03:28 PM
Skid videos?

3rd May 2009, 11:39 PM
2 words, car float. Neighbour of the woman I was seeing was bitching about me parking in front of her house occasionally, so I waited till she went to work one day and parked my trailer with a bomb car on it in front of her place for 2 weeks. It took up all the room in front of her house. Nothing was said to us but I can only bet she went Ballistic, as this is a woman who called the cops because one of the boys parked on the footpath partially in front of her house to unload his boot after a weekend camping. Funny she hasnt complained since.
I have a length of chain made up too, that goes from the park brake back to the trailer so the brakes can be padlocked in the on postion.
Oh and when I moved it, I moved it across the road in front of a bush reserve where it could have been all the time if she hadnt been so bitchy.

Also car floats are wider so traffic has to slow down to go around it.

just thought it would look really bad if it had the same model of car on it as the dealers were selling!!!!!!!

4th May 2009, 12:35 AM
Assaill is a legend, that thread is pure gold.

The city has been left out the front indeterminately actually.

And floody: were you born without a sense of humor, or do you just take yourself and life way too seriously?

4th May 2009, 01:48 AM
I think he should organise a meet up or something there. Or perhaps just start dumping shells and wrecks there :P

4th May 2009, 08:26 PM
Lol! People can be so funny sometimes :D

Props to the guys who actually followed through, and stuck to their word. Love it!

5th May 2009, 03:03 PM
He hadn't been at Holden for a year
He had an offer for the corolla from a friend which was alot more then what he bought it for
The dude is loaded, having enough money to throw at a prank like that I don't think it's of much concern.

The guys on supraforums.com.au are in another financial ballpark completely to 99% of the people on this forum.