View Full Version : ke70 station wagon or corona station wagon

Trucka 115
8th July 2008, 09:57 AM
Looking for a ke70 station wagon. or corona station wagon

would prefer some thing with out rust, but i lil bit of rust is ok.
pm us I'm u have one or if u have seen one for sale some where.

8th July 2008, 01:28 PM
pm ke86 he has one, he replied to my wanted thread in this section. ive seen it, its a bit rusty but you don't really get the chance to buy these very often so you might have to make do.

i wanted it but have too many other projects so no where to store it for ages...

9th July 2008, 10:41 PM
yo man yeh i got one, its white, 5 spd, give us a yell or sumthign, where are u located??

Trucka 115
14th July 2008, 05:24 PM
half hour from wollongong or sutherland shire