View Full Version : Car thiefs getting smart

27th May 2009, 12:13 PM
My mate had his AE92 stollen from out front of his house late last week in balmain. after talking with the owner of the drycleaner accross the road he found out a guy rocked up in a tilt tray and took it.. he called cops, council, state det recovery.. not that any thing was owing anyway.. they all know nothing.. the sad thing is and if u guys see it , it had a freshly rebuilt GZE in it, forged internals, nevo pully kit, chrome rocker covers, running a microtec, days earlier it was broken into in the same spot and all his sterio TV and gauges were flogged.

and the worst thing was he couldnt even get it into his garage at his unit block because the neighbours decided to put a skip bin in the driveway.. funnily enough the day after it was flogged the skip bin was removed.

any way ill post some pics and if bits suddenly appear let me know.. i dont like the chances but there is alway some possibility

27th May 2009, 12:29 PM
holy shit thats bad !!

27th May 2009, 01:20 PM
Farrr .. what's going on these days ... so much stories of people's rides getting stolen!

Some people can be so low to do that man, so harsh!

27th May 2009, 01:39 PM
dont worry, theives musn't be getting all that smart yet. my car was broken into. the ignition was turned on and the car was moved like 2 metres. they even changed the radio station...

siting in my car was all my camera gear, heaps of dvds, ipod, phone. nothing is missing. it doesnt even look like they went through it.

i dont get it...

27th May 2009, 02:22 PM
dont worry, theives musn't be getting all that smart yet. my car was broken into. the ignition was turned on and the car was moved like 2 metres. they even changed the radio station...

siting in my car was all my camera gear, heaps of dvds, ipod, phone. nothing is missing. it doesnt even look like they went through it.

i dont get it...

meh then u have the punk kids like u describe clinton,

the thing had a pretty large front mount cut into the stock front bar that was on show for all to see... i drove his car around for a few weeks on run it because he has no idea and even then only playing with it, it wanted to go alot harder.. was pretty impressed actually.

but by stuff it was loud!

there is an easy fix for this kind of problem.. as much as i would like to say "we" should have to ... but dont leave modified cars on the street.. these days no matter where u live.. your asking for trouble. the world is a sad place these days, i couldnt even think of stealing an apple front a fruit shop let alone a car!

27th May 2009, 02:34 PM
yeah well who knows really u could be very well right in what u said.. in fact if we found out it was someone he knew i wouldnt doubt it anyway.. just poor thats all

27th May 2009, 04:26 PM
when my mates R32 GTR was stolen, they apparantly had to replace fuses and the like which he had removed so it wouldnt go

so yes they are getting pretty switched on

27th May 2009, 04:33 PM
dam that sucks

27th May 2009, 04:41 PM
Fucking hell they fixed the car and made it run before taking it?


Man im glad my project is all locked up

I WOULD DIE if someone took my car.

Its actually quite heartbreaking really to read these things. Hope it turns up in good nick man, sorry to hear


27th May 2009, 05:19 PM
get some security in your cars guys, immobilisers prob arnt that flashy in 4k/4ac corollas as its piss easy to get it going. (1min and 2 pieces of wire :P)

but alarms are going to scare a few people off, even if it doesnt im sure you will be outside quick smart with a base ball bat ready to knock some skulls in.

also tick the box and pay the extra $50 for fire and theft on your insurance! you may not get all the hours and $$ back but its better then being left completely high and dry!

i have a key that will fit about 80% of the "long key" corolla door locks/ignition. ive tried it on 4 of my/mates cars and it all fits well enough. perhaps consider new locks (not solex) or locks from other newer model toyotas.

yes they maybe getting smarter so you have to do the same and take preventive action.

edit: a few years back a guy had his car broken into and they stole his audio and his battery. he was then talking to another guy up the road the next day and they had stolen the battery to steel this other car!

27th May 2009, 06:02 PM
edit: a few years back a guy had his car broken into and they stole his audio and his battery. he was then talking to another guy up the road the next day and they had stolen the battery to steel this other car!

Now thats determination!.. im going with all the home made anti theft devices.. hmm mayb we could consult the guys at stickdeath.com for some friendly advice

27th May 2009, 06:21 PM
wow sounds pretty organised...

I have a kill switch i pull out sometimes but if someone is organised they use a universal key anyway...if im in a bad enough hood ill just take coil pack ignition lead out....better than nothing!..doesn't help if they have a tilt tray though!!:(

27th May 2009, 06:28 PM
I know of a guy who didn't have a battery in his car, so the theives brought a battery, put it in then took the car. And another guy hadn't finished wiring in his fuel pump and the thieves finished the wiring then fanged it for about 20 minutes then burnt it out! He found in on fire at the local boat ramp 25 minutes after it was stolen!!
And when my sprinter got nicked I had a switch on the dash which turned off the fuel pump. They stuffed all the locks, pushed it down the street and got it started, but when the switch is off it will idle for a bit but the second you let the clutch out it dies. So they rolled it all the way down the hill doing handbrakeys the whole way. Then left it parked outside the local shop with all the windows and doors open and all they stole was my screw driver set! If they had flicked the switch they would have got away!!
Anyway i spent $800 on getting an alarm and new locks, it was away for one weekend at the work shop. Then exactly two weeks after the first attempt they came back and stole the stereo! fucking scum!

27th May 2009, 06:51 PM
lmfao theres needs to be an alarm system invented, (getting imaginative here) that when the handle is touched. a shotgun blows anyone away. even the owner!

lulzzzzzzzzzzz jkz.

27th May 2009, 07:07 PM
i reckon one of these would be quite handy if you had a quick fit steering wheel


and the key that is used is pretty hard to copy

27th May 2009, 07:50 PM
club lock from steerer to brake pedal.

Mate made one, completely custom and by god its painful to steel something that smashes on your feet everytime you turn corners.

Ive always been a fan of the 4-10 tho, havent need to use it ever :(

Mr Awsome
27th May 2009, 07:56 PM
shave you locks/handles and have lexan windows all round and use keyless entry/start.
haha but that would be stupid yet affective.

just make sure you have an alarm & imobiliser. park it close to you house so u can hear it.

or if that fails.

pay some south africans to mod ya car...flame throwers any one?

27th May 2009, 08:21 PM
if people are getting tilt trays to steal cars, although not the first time ive heard of it weel be seeing more of it, realisticaly if you see a legitimaite towing service picking up a car do you think they mite be stealing it????

27th May 2009, 09:23 PM
a guy came into work asking for details, he had an old monaro gts that was ground up rebuilt and had a blown diff so it couldnt roll, was stolen on a tilt bed with skid marks where it was dragged, hasnt heard or seen of it in over a year.

my car will have many sneaky sneaky and a detachable steering wheel, and a garage.

27th May 2009, 09:58 PM
Car theives are the lowest of the low.

Last week my mate had 3 of his cars out the front of his house broken into with only loose change stolen! CD's, stereo's, clothes and everything were all left in it!

Actual crackheads.

27th May 2009, 10:14 PM
Chocolate? thats doo doo baby

27th May 2009, 10:18 PM
what happened to good old alarm systems that goes off or even a steering lock?...atleast something

anyways...thats badsh1t...last thing anyone wants when they take the first step outside their own homes

28th May 2009, 12:08 AM
lmfao theres needs to be an alarm system invented, (getting imaginative here) that when the handle is touched. a shotgun blows anyone away. even the owner!

lulzzzzzzzzzzz jkz.

oh dear where have u been? these guys are way more advanced..hehe




28th May 2009, 12:14 AM
I use to work with a guy, he kept his dirt bike at his mates place(who had a few bikes), one day a few of them go there to work on bikes,

they get there and catch two guys in the middle of stealing them!! One guy gets away but they get the other, he's about 30 years old, any way they tie him up and call the owner of the house.

This guy is crying and promising never to do it again, they tell him that once they are finished with him, he WONT ever do it again, any way owner gets home and they give him the severest beating of his life, knock his teeth out, really give him a hiding, got his license etc so they knew where he lived

took him for a long drive, dumped him in middle of nowhere after beating him sensless again.....

Personally I don't think they did enough to him!!!!

28th May 2009, 12:55 AM
detachable steering wheel with clublock on it, set the steering to the left all the way!!!!.Then thick chain and padlock it to the seat. Also remove ur aftermarket ecu. Alarm with 4 point immo and with mongoose paging system with all sensors!!!

Some of the things/do on my car

If a towey was to try to lift it he would need to brake the steering lock without a steering wheel on there

28th May 2009, 09:49 AM
A mate that i play basketball with has (had) an original XC cobra (similar to this)


his dad had owned it since brand new.. was parked in my mates driveway warrandyte.. the driveway has a steep slope and the carport sits next to my mates bedroom.. so he sleeps literally 2metres from the car. theives must have somehow pushed the car UPHILL up the driveway about 35-40m and then down the street.. then my mate heard the thing start (think they a 6.0 V8) and woke up and ran outside and it was GONE...he went and they had had to push the car along part of the garden bed as he had his commodore ute parked in the drive to get it out....

never to be seen/heard from again.. the police could do nothing (or more to the point werent really willing to help)


28th May 2009, 10:35 AM
sundee86 where abouts in balmain did it get flogged?

28th May 2009, 12:02 PM
ahh i dont know the area that well... are u after a street name or? u know something?

come on no one commented on Stickdeath! thats pretty funny right? or am i just easily ammused?

28th May 2009, 12:24 PM
I use to work with a guy, he kept his dirt bike at his mates place(who had a few bikes), one day a few of them go there to work on bikes,

they get there and catch two guys in the middle of stealing them!! One guy gets away but they get the other, he's about 30 years old, any way they tie him up and call the owner of the house.

This guy is crying and promising never to do it again, they tell him that once they are finished with him, he WONT ever do it again, any way owner gets home and they give him the severest beating of his life, knock his teeth out, really give him a hiding, got his license etc so they knew where he lived

took him for a long drive, dumped him in middle of nowhere after beating him sensless again.....

Personally I don't think they did enough to him!!!!

so wait? the guy was stealing motorbikes from you... yet you bash him up on the spot? So the guy no doubt still know's where you live?

Given the guy sounds like a proper dumbshit, its even more likely that him/they will retaliate, now or later. were you not thinking... at all? Just because you know where he is, doesnt mean shit, legally.

On another note, flatbed towtrucks to steal cars... hrmph, i can imagine almost all forms of security would be useless... given once someone has the car at their own property they can take all the time they need. Maybe people should chain their cars to the garage.

28th May 2009, 12:25 PM
i had my first car broken into right outside my house.

it was a 83' mazda 323 with a fairly ok stereo in it.

they got in easily, but what stopped them was a steering lock! they coudlnt get it off, so what they did was pushed it into my fence and smashed up the back a bit.

but.....they pushed it using the bonnet, and when the cops came round for finger printing they found 2 beautiful complete hand prints on the bonnet.

they took out the parcel shelf (with 2 x 6x9's) and the subwoofer box (12" something) then they took them around the corner, and removed the speakers and threw the parcel shelf and the subwoofer box into my neighbours boat....

they also took the surround off the CD player, but obviosly coudlnt work out how to get the rest out.

so they got away with 2 speakers, sub, amp, all my cds, my brisbane lions metal badge, and a sun shade.

anyway about 2 months passed, and i get a phone call from the local police. they had matched the finger prints with some dude, and were wondering if i knew him etc. and no i didnt.

turns out he was a 14year old kid (yes i have his name) that broke into about 15 cars in that same night, from all over brisbane. 14 years old!!!

the cars were from all over brisbane apparently not a specific area, but the kid was from around my area.

apparently he had a few others with him, there was a driver of a commodore that was helping him out who also got busted.

anyway i enquire about getting my stuff back and its long gone (figued that). i enquire about getting money back and the police say he will be prosectued, but not to expect to much in return considering how many cars he has done. apparently he did alot worse things to other cars.

another 2 months later i get a letter in the mail. apparently he has been charged etc and he is to pay me a grand total of....wait for it......



but thats not all

i was to get it in $23 dollar installments (via check from some probation officer type person) once a month for the next few months.

so every few weeks id wonder on down to the bank with my $23 cheque, wait in the line for 40mins.

i did ring the police to enquire about the small amount, but apparently i was lucky to get anything at all.

long story short, alarms are good, anything physical that will stop them is good (steering locks, taking off steering wheel). wheni have to leave my car for long periods i just take the ECU with me. works good!

but you cant beat parking it in a secure area.

28th May 2009, 05:20 PM
so wait? the guy was stealing motorbikes from you... yet you bash him up on the spot? So the guy no doubt still know's where you live?

Given the guy sounds like a proper dumbshit, its even more likely that him/they will retaliate, now or later. were you not thinking... at all? Just because you know where he is, doesnt mean shit, legally.

On another note, flatbed towtrucks to steal cars... hrmph, i can imagine almost all forms of security would be useless... given once someone has the car at their own property they can take all the time they need. Maybe people should chain their cars to the garage.

Can you read?????? I said these bikes were getting stolen from a guy I WORKED with NOT ME!

29th May 2009, 12:05 AM
I use to work with a guy, he kept his dirt bike at his mates place(who had a few bikes), one day a few of them go there to work on bikes,

they get there and catch two guys in the middle of stealing them!! One guy gets away but they get the other, he's about 30 years old, any way they tie him up and call the owner of the house.

This guy is crying and promising never to do it again, they tell him that once they are finished with him, he WONT ever do it again, any way owner gets home and they give him the severest beating of his life, knock his teeth out, really give him a hiding, got his license etc so they knew where he lived

took him for a long drive, dumped him in middle of nowhere after beating him sensless again.....

Personally I don't think they did enough to him!!!!

good on em got wot he deserved pitty the other 1 got away:(

29th May 2009, 12:28 AM
Should have had it towed somewhere safe.. Took the ignition coil out or the battery.. Anything.... And shot gun alarms?? Maybe an alarm at all.. if some one tries steal your car you will be alarmed by it..

29th May 2009, 12:42 AM
I use to work with a guy, he kept his dirt bike at his mates place(who had a few bikes), one day a few of them go there to work on bikes,

they get there and catch two guys in the middle of stealing them!! One guy gets away but they get the other, he's about 30 years old, any way they tie him up and call the owner of the house.

This guy is crying and promising never to do it again, they tell him that once they are finished with him, he WONT ever do it again, any way owner gets home and they give him the severest beating of his life, knock his teeth out, really give him a hiding, got his license etc so they knew where he lived

took him for a long drive, dumped him in middle of nowhere after beating him sensless again.....

Personally I don't think they did enough to him!!!!

Yeah well I think stupid people get what they deserve, if you steal a boss car, strip it make a fat profit and get away with it you in turn are a boss..

29th May 2009, 01:06 AM
I use to work with a guy, he kept his dirt bike at his mates place(who had a few bikes), one day a few of them go there to work on bikes,

they get there and catch two guys in the middle of stealing them!! One guy gets away but they get the other, he's about 30 years old, any way they tie him up and call the owner of the house.

This guy is crying and promising never to do it again, they tell him that once they are finished with him, he WONT ever do it again, any way owner gets home and they give him the severest beating of his life, knock his teeth out, really give him a hiding, got his license etc so they knew where he lived

took him for a long drive, dumped him in middle of nowhere after beating him sensless again.....

Personally I don't think they did enough to him!!!!


the only thing i would have done different is....take the .22-250 with me and tell the guy to start running. if he is lucky ill only hit an arm or leg....

ive just gotten good at 300-350m shots....so he would have some running to do