View Full Version : Sealing off the cabin from fumes/gases

15th November 2011, 07:41 AM
I started yesterday sealing off all the holes in my rolla because my surge tank/exhaust( unsure exactly which one if not both) emits some real bad fume threw the cabin once I crack a window.

Any one else have this problem/done this. ATM I don't really want to redo all the lines.

15th November 2011, 08:15 AM
You dont usually have this problem with an exhaust pipe thats intact.

Although fuel fumes smell like petrol and exhaust smells like burnt petrol, so you need to work out what exactly you are smelling and sort it from the cause. Some causes of increased fumes in the cabin could be a PCV that breathes to atmosphere, a fuel leak somewhere, an exhaust leak somewhere, or a leaky exhaust manifold gasket. If your car recirculates exhaust gas then you may have a leak there too.

If it gets worse when you open a window, then somehow there is some gas getting in from outside, so that would lead me to think exhaust leak, but its hard to really pinpoint with such vague info from you, Get under it and see whats going on with the exhaust as a starting point.

15th November 2011, 10:28 AM
well rubber lines in the cabin would be porous and emit vapour. and it says you have a surge tank in the boot? that would do it.

either that or its rich exhaust gas coming in, my 86 the exhaust fumes would come up through a small gap in the hatch, no leaks, just a kick-up exhaust design and bad seals...

15th November 2011, 10:46 AM
Well it's odd that it comes threw when the window is open. The boot smells rather bad. Like rich exhaust. I guess. I figured it created like a vacuum and drew the fume threw try he seat and every other Orpheus in the cabin.

I can't hear an exhaust leak. But I'll Jack it up tonight and have a look

15th November 2011, 12:15 PM
just double check you dont have any holes where the rear seat belts would mount etc. Some hose breathes more than others.

Opening the window does create a vacuum contrary to belief that rushes in.

15th November 2011, 12:49 PM
Yeah I've sealed up all the holes air tight minus the speaker holds in the parcel shelf including the seat belt mounts.

I did notice though threw the quarter the air ducts also travel from the boot to the cabin. So I was thinking of using expander foam in there to seal that.

Well if the hose is porous that's fine. What are my options there. Meaning with the setup I'm running I'm using 3/8 aluminum line im using efi hose to join everything together. is there something I can use with hose clamps that won't leak fumes. I don't really want to change the setup.

Is that blue hose stuff fine for that application ?

17th November 2011, 02:04 PM
look it should be fine, it wont leak, but i wouldnt smoke in the cabin...

your only real option would be to run teflon lined hose, but it's ~$60 a metre and not really cost effective. AND you need 200 series fittings to use it, hose clamps don't work.

stick to what you've got and try to seal up the surge tank area or box it up and vent to under the car...