View Full Version : 4age ae86/ke70 as a daily for P Plater?

18th September 2012, 02:48 PM
Hi guys,

Im looking for a new daily since my s13 got stolen on Saturday :(
I'm considering any RWD corolla, preferably with a 4age. In particular, an AE86 or KE70

What sort of police trouble can I expect driving something like this on my P's? Will I get pulled over often?
I need something semi-reliable, that'll get me to and from uni and work (about 30km each way).

I don't really care too much about how comfortable it is haha, as long as its fun.


18th September 2012, 04:05 PM
all depends, if its a nice clean looking car you should be fine, keep wheels inside the guards you should be right, been pulled over twice in mine(is a ghetto/POS looking faded red ke70) never been asked to pop the bonnet, nor defected(fined for rear tyres), talk politely

at the end of the day everywhere is different, if you drive like a F wit expect to get pulled over(there is a time and place for everything), ae71 and ae86 4age is from the same family, so unless the cop has half a brain(you get 4age engine number on rego papers) they wont know, ke70 on the other hand(4k) its not the same engine family, and realisticly if the cop was a dick, its the same fine and point loss(7 points i may be wrong) as driving turbo/suercharged/v8

18th September 2012, 04:08 PM
Buy an imported ae86 with a 4age and you shouldn't get hassled as long as it is not too low, tyres outside the guards, too loud etc... Allot of it is your attitude towards the police and if you hang out at regular meeting points.

Try finding a workshop who will rego a ke70 with a 4age, it is more than the legal allowed increase. Ae71 / ae86 on the other hand is easy.

18th September 2012, 04:16 PM
Getting cars passed rego is no problem for me. I have a mechanic across the road from my house (literally a 15m walk haha) who are more than happy to help me out as they know I love my cars. They do both pink and blue slips.

At the moment, I would probably prefer an AE71/KE70 as they seem to be cheaper, as everyone wants an 86.
I'm usually a pretty decent driver, not doing anything too stupid, have only been done for an illegal right hand turn, and that was bullshit, as it was during roadworks.. and they took the sign down, but before the works you could, and after, they put the sign back up so you could again...

I'm hoping to only spend 5k max, so I might be pushing it a little bit, but I'm hoping I can find something half decent.
A xE7x would be nice, as I feel as though there will be less police attention.

18th September 2012, 04:26 PM
there have been a few xE7x up with 4age's, coilovers (setup with just about everything) for around that price, just play the waiting game

18th September 2012, 04:33 PM
there have been a few xE7x up with 4age's, coilovers (setup with just about everything) for around that price, just play the waiting game
Yeah, hopefully one pops up in the next 2 weeks.. Need a new daily asap.
I still miss my old KE70, mint as, 1 owner... had it for 6 weeks before it was parked outside my house and some lady fell asleep and hit it at 70km/h :(

18th September 2012, 05:14 PM
had mad luck with cars

18th September 2012, 09:46 PM
My opinion is that anything is fine as long as it doesn't stand out.
What I would do for a legal KE/AE:
-86 struts and brakes
-decent inserts
-7kg front springs
-decent shocks and 4kg in rear
-RA60 rear swaybar
-PS arms
-XT130 LCA's
-Stock healthy bigport
-quiet exhaust
-MA61's with 185/60
-legal height.

As long as the car is clean no one can touch you for anything and you can drive like a dick.
Cars that stand out get you a name with the police, which doesn't go away.

19th September 2012, 07:16 PM
^^ Thats exactly the setup I was going to suggest

19th September 2012, 10:45 PM
^^Good setup but id go 6 kg fronts

29th September 2012, 11:15 AM
By any chance was it a mint as blue ke70 you had and a black s13 that got stolen ??

If so I remember seeing out the front drove past you a couple of times in my ke30 2door black bonet and boot and shit

29th September 2012, 02:03 PM
yeh dude thats me, just down near cressy shops.

Cheers for all the replies guys, I ended up finding another s13 on the cheap, but in pretty good condition. Only downside is, its auto.. So that'll be getting swapped over as soon as my insurance money pays out.

29th September 2012, 02:31 PM
Haha thort it may have been shame to hear bout your car getting stolen but explains the two tone one out the front now lol

29th September 2012, 02:42 PM
ahah cheers bro, if u ever see us around give us a wave.
love the 30 btw!