View Full Version : customs clearance when importing parts from overseas

1st November 2012, 07:53 AM
Hey guys,

I was just thinking about the process of customs where if you buy something from overseas which is over a certain amount of value they charge you for customs clearance ? does anyone know the details of what the value is when they try charge you and if theres anyway around it like getting the item posted as a gift or anything as im getting something that will cost a few grand


1st November 2012, 09:08 AM
$1k. This is for goods and postage.
Over this amount,you will be charged duty and gst on the full amount.
Use Google for latest importation criteria into Australia.
Don't try dodge it,read the information available so you understand potential hang up's.

1st November 2012, 10:15 AM
what are you importing?

1st November 2012, 12:24 PM
duty is like 10% or so....

1st November 2012, 12:45 PM
$1k. This is for goods and postage.
Over this amount,you will be charged duty and gst on the full amount.
Use Google for latest importation criteria into Australia.
Don't try dodge it,read the information available so you understand potential hang up's.
I'm pretty sure the value is for goods only, however, if you exceed $1000 value for the goods alone, you are taxed on the value of goods + postage.

1st November 2012, 10:48 PM
I have brought in several items from the States some items as large as an engine and gearbox. Your allowed to bring in an item to the value of $1k for the item itself, postage doesnt come into it. You will be taxed on items over $1k in value.

Beware you will have other costs if the item exceeds 30kgs. You will have a terminal tax with handeling fee and you will need someone to clear your item before pickup, I used Sadliers. These costs WITHOUT TAX are around $400-$450 for an item over 30kgs and then you will be taxed on top of this if it exceeds the $1k figure. If you arent smart about it you can land up paying alot more than what the same item would cost in OZ.