View Full Version : VOTE 1. John Rooth!

12th August 2013, 09:59 PM

So this subject is a bit touchy with people, but lets fave it out government is crap!
Labour is shithouse!

Liberal is not that much better, but I prefer them to labour pricks.


Anyone ever watched or read 4WD action mag?

John Rooth is running for government! Balla!!!

The part is called "Stop the greens party"

Check out his site and what he is for.. You will actually like what read.


Make sure you check out the policies page to see all the epic things they want to do.

And their preference is Liberal, so piss labour off and Win

12th August 2013, 10:07 PM
This dude sounds the tits

His policies are very good i agreed with everything pretty much

12th August 2013, 10:52 PM
RROOOOOOOOTTTTHHHHHYYYYYYYYYYY hes a champ, met out bush once, good bloke, truly loves this country.

13th August 2013, 11:20 AM
This dude sounds the tits

His policies are very good i agreed with everything pretty much

This ^^ !!!