View Full Version : Turbo 4AGZE standalone and tuning

23rd June 2015, 01:08 AM
New to the turbo world out side of the redtop. Turbo installed and can drive around the yard. Haven't been over 10mph don't wanna break something. Looking for info on a good standalone. And place for tuning around Athens GA.

Hen may possibly be a nut
23rd June 2015, 02:20 AM
It's a pretty straightforward motor. Any reasonable aftermarket ECU will run it fine. Your best bet is to find a tuner you like and ask what they are most comfortable tuning.

Also, there are plenty of people who've run turbo 4AGZEs on the factory supercharged ECU (if that's what you currently have installed). They just run very rich on boost.

23rd June 2015, 07:02 AM
What do you guys think about the Apexi Neo?

3rd July 2015, 07:53 PM
I don't tend to see many Aussie forums members on here using Apexi SAFC, Neo or Greddy E-Manage piggybacks.
They are cheap bang for buck, but seem to get overlooked for full stand alone ECU's, Adaptronic and Haltec seem to be the most popular choice.
I guess the question is, are you going to pay someone to tuner it or do it yourself?
If paying pro, as Hen has mentioned, ask what they recommend, as this is what they'll be most comfortable with and would achieve best results......one would think.

Also, as Hen's mentioned, you can use stock GZE ecu, it will read up to ~14psi, but AE101 ECU tend to suffer from knock sensor issue. If you are to choose this path, try to seek out an AE92 GZE ecu, as they didn't suffer this quite as bad. Another trick I have seen people use to try combat this is to use a 7MGTE knock sensor with Ae92 GZE ECU.
Personal I'd just pay the money for stand alone.

5th July 2015, 09:43 AM
Buy whatever stand alone you can get support for in your country.