View Full Version : Whats a KE70 worth ???

22nd July 2009, 10:43 PM
Hey just wondering what a Mint condition KE70 CSX model corolla would be worth? Paint and interiour are in Very good condition, Has tacho dash and boot/fuel popper standard, even has a Spirit rear spoiler! Also has 13x6 inch mesh mags. Would come with a rwc and just under 1 months rego. Its located in Melbourne. Cheers

22nd July 2009, 10:49 PM
Its still not an AE71.

I'd definitely not pay any more than 2k for a stock KE70. For 2k it'd have to be close to perfect.
But I'd also never buy a KE70 if its going to be anything other than a track-only car.
But I'd probably never buy a clean car if its going on the track.... so I ultimately wouldn't pay much.

AE71's win hands down.

22nd July 2009, 10:50 PM
i thought if it's a kesev it'd be an XX model not csx? you're sellin it or you've seen one? i dunno, have seen similare type kesevs go for the $1500 mark though the prices for them are always on the rise

22nd July 2009, 10:51 PM
i thought if it's a kesev it'd be an XX model not csx? you're sellin it or you've seen one? i dunno, have seen similare type kesevs go for the $1500 mark though the prices for them are always on the rise

XX if its a flat front KE70
CS-X if its a slant front KE70

Assuming top trim level.

22nd July 2009, 10:52 PM
a car is only worth as much as the buyer is willing to pay.

when buying cars like this buy from someone who isnt in the corolla scene and you should be able to pick em up for 100-1000.

buy from a corolla head and they will be fags and act like its worth thousands.

22nd July 2009, 10:57 PM
Its a Flat front ke70, i guess its a XX. its very clean very minimal rust around the boot. A work mate owns it and is thinking of selling.

23rd July 2009, 01:04 AM

you can buy injected 1990's a/c p/s for around 2k

23rd July 2009, 01:15 AM
minimal rust around the boot

Minimal is not good enough, absolute max $1000.

23rd July 2009, 02:40 AM
ive seen rusted KE70's selling for 1k-2k, ppl pay some retarded prices, no way would i pay more then 1k for any KE70 unless it had some decent mods

23rd July 2009, 09:57 AM
I sold mine about a month ago, it was a XX with about 200,000KMs it was in really good condition exept for some rust in the boot it was completly bog stock and was really neat and tidy, got $1200 for it.

Hope this helps :)

23rd July 2009, 10:47 AM
from the sounds of it, if you get it you'll probably be able to offload it for close to 2k.

23rd July 2009, 11:36 AM
They are worth nothing

Give it to me :)

23rd July 2009, 06:54 PM
Cheers for the help guys. i may post it up in the for sale thread in the coming weeks to help him sell it.

23rd July 2009, 06:57 PM
Yeah as others have said, they are worth hardly anything, unless they are absolutely perfect with NO rust. And, even then, 2 - 2.5k would be pushing it.

That being said...You should give it to JDM-Mcc

23rd July 2009, 07:09 PM
i would give it away, as i already have an ae71. But its not mine, Its my work mates.

23rd July 2009, 08:41 PM
The tribe has spoken.

Give it to me!

23rd July 2009, 08:54 PM
give it to him ^^

23rd July 2009, 08:54 PM
I'll tell you what they're not worth this much! (http://www.nissansilvia.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=396262)

It is clean but that kid is on drugs if he thinks he'll get 4k for a ke with a 4k!

23rd July 2009, 09:02 PM
$1500 max

23rd July 2009, 10:01 PM
i got 3 grand for ke70 slanty... respray guard mirrors cut springs bog stock with some nice wheels a blown gear box and 6 months rego

23rd July 2009, 10:06 PM
If that particular car was purchased on ebay from ballarat last year I regret not buying it for 1500 unregistered. It's worth over 2K with no rego if it's the same car, which it looks like it is. Only fault is it's faded, but what car nearly 30 years old that's been regularly used and still has its original paint isn't faded.

23rd July 2009, 11:09 PM
What todd said!

23rd July 2009, 11:39 PM
My ke just clicked over to 67,000ks, not a spot of rust at all! Im second owner, Perfect all round.. Wanna give me 2k? I'd be happy with 2k haha

24th July 2009, 12:08 AM
"I'll Give You a Dollar to Shut Up !" .......Cool Runnings

24th July 2009, 12:30 AM
no more then $1k with reg. maybe $1.2k if it were in mint condition.

that ke on ns.com is clean as but siff $4k.

24th July 2009, 12:14 PM
People who say "only idiots pay more than $500 for any KE70" shit me to tears. $1000 isn't much for a driving car with rego, so long as its not riddled with rust and falling apart.

That said I wouldn't pay any more than $2000 for a near perfect KE70, a little more for an AE71.

24th July 2009, 12:14 PM
My ke just clicked over to 67,000ks, not a spot of rust at all! Im second owner, Perfect all round.. Wanna give me 2k? I'd be happy with 2k haha

If I were in the market for one yeah I probably would. I'm currently still doing a smallport conversion into my 83,000km ksev van and still got the AE70 coupe to build so I'm not looking at the moment funnily enough. If your paint is original and shiny and the car's never been in any prangs I would think it to be worth over 2K.

24th July 2009, 12:35 PM
Id have no problem parting with up to 5 grand for the right KE. If I had it.

Most people will never see the right ke. We're all such tight arses we never can have nice things.

Price should vary wildly with condition in my opinion.

If a car has a nice shell but a noisy box and diff, its not gonna be worth much. sub 1k.

If a car is full of rust but a strong runner, then its not worth much either. sub 1k.

However if by some magical accident you find a ke70 with no rust and low ks with no flaws, dont be afraid to spend a bit to get it.

Ive heard of one nut job paying 7000 recently for a ke70 bog stock with purple respray, cut springs, and 20 inch chromies, whereas a legit bronze, deceased estate car with a genuine 30000klms on it went for just under 4k.

Go figure, theres no accounting for taste. If youd have told me a poorly modified stocker with a non standard respray would sell for twice a minter original vehicle, Id have laughed but there you go it happened.

Of course we all buy low if we can, I think the people who run around saying nothings worth anything only feel that way till its their turn to sell something. Ive seen this proven true time and time again.

I have paid as little as $25 for a ke70, and the most has been $700 for my original red spirit. The 25 buck car is riddled with rust and the auto is dead. The red car was a manual ae71, but the body was filled with flaws and poor paint, tinting was crap, interior was ratty, and the steering rack was tragic.

If I was spending over 1k Id expect a good body, maybe not a good motor.

If I was spending over 2k Id expect very few flaws, low on rust and good paint, as well as a good driveline.

Over 3k would be for a car approaching perfection but with high ks, maybe 250k plus.

Over 4k would be the legit, low ks, never been sat in the backseat, church on sundays, with straight panel seams, bumpers, garaged and still glossy paint, service history and no modifcations.

24th July 2009, 12:54 PM
the ke i bought which is in my post above. i got it off a lady who got it brand new from toyota when she was 65 y/o and drove it to the shops and back. once a year she would drive 1 hour to see her daughter. i got it with 58,000ks, no rust, perfect running gear, mint interior other then one crack on the dash, paint had not one scratch or chip on it. etc. i paid 3k for it.

most will say im a complete douche bag for doing so. but you pay for what you get. i got another ke for $500. would cost 3k++++ to get it to the state that my other ke is in but it would still have 250,000+ks on the clock! so if ya wont a pig, dont spend over 1k. if you want something mint expect to pay 1-4k.

24th July 2009, 01:09 PM
My KE70 is in mint condition. 146K's (46 of those mine), NO rust, stock as a rock, still has the sheep skin seat covers my grandma put on it in 1981, 4sp, always serviced and I still couldn't imagine making some one pay over $1000 for it. Cos at the end of the day, it is just an old Corolla.

24th July 2009, 01:14 PM
But at the same time my Hachi has no engine or panels and heaps of rust, but if I was to sell it all once (all parts not fitted etc) at once I wouldn't take any thing less then 11grand. Or if I parted it out completely in parts I could probably get over 15/16k....

Makes ya think... Whats so special about an 86 to make it worth so much more?

Group A
24th July 2009, 01:23 PM
I paid $7,500 for a totally stock KE70 CS with 104,000km on the clock!

But that was in 1988 and it seemed like a good deal at the time.............
I sold it in 1992 with 196,000km on the clock for $4,400.

24th July 2009, 01:31 PM
meh, id pay over 2k if it was clean

"There is only Bathurst, the rest is just waiting." Allan Moffatt.

^ this quote was totally ripped off steve mcqueen
"when your racing your living, anything else is just waiting"

24th July 2009, 02:01 PM
I paid $7,500 for a totally stock KE70 CS with 104,000km on the clock!

But that was in 1988 and it seemed like a good deal at the time.............
I sold it in 1992 with 196,000km on the clock for $4,400.

My mum bought an ae71 in 86 for 8k which ended up being my first car. She still misses it now.