pmd rail!
I have here a Bride RH side bottom mount seat rail - Type "S". I have no idea what model Bride seats this rail is compatible with.
It looks like an older type of rail so it probably suits older models of Bride seats.
One thing to note, I was told by the previous owner this rail has been modified to bolt into a KE70.
I haven't used this rail yet as I was going to modify this one to be used on the passenger side but I cbf now.
Location: South Brisbane
Condition: Used, selling as is
Price: $90 + postage
Contact me here via PM
Thanks for looking!
pmd rail!
Bump. Still here.
pm'd message too short...
ill buy them off you give me you bsb and acount and ill send the money with my address thanks
pm sent ichigo1.
Sold, pending payment.