Well only seems fitting to start a new thread for the new year.
I have some shots to upload but only once I find my camera cord!
Well only seems fitting to start a new thread for the new year.
I have some shots to upload but only once I find my camera cord!
As it turns out I'm not happy with any of my shots from the other night really
Oh well, haven't been shooting much lately so bit rusty! Will need to get back into it properly
Going to take more photos as soon as I get a chance
I'm going for a ride after work today so may tak my camera along. Been heaps lazy with shooting lately!
Anyone know anything about the Asahi Pentax 6x7?
Looking into one of these.. researching them as I type this.
a couple of pics i got of a levin coupe at archy on wednesday need to practice my focus points more i think.
im bored. not a good photo. just killin time and avoiding washing my car
wouldve been hella sick if the keto was rippping it sideways and further down
Just finished this soarer the other week so i got an action shot
Soarer R/C is fuckin awesome
Cherry blossoms! XD