Mmmmmm dat 3cyl sound
Iron chef are raffling that van off.
MOPAR or no car!
Movement in the station. Headers finally back from welding. Currently just has the front half of the exhaust running into a straight-through glasspack under the handbrake. Loud as hell. Even louder without that muffler. Plan is to just get the car to a shop and get the remainder fabricated when time/funds permit.
Some pictures to show them off a little better than the potato-cam video.
Haha that is so sick
check out my build thread: http://www.ae86drivingclub.com.au/fo...-shuttle-wagon
Cool little project, keep the updates rollingI've just acquired an L200S, so need inspiration.
Thanks guys!
stahlz: I could talk your ears off with information about these things. What plans did you have in mind?
Not too sure, kinda ended up with it by accident. Already bought a set of 12X4.5J +45 Black racing rims to put on it to ditch the hideous steelies. Maybe Khaki / camo / army green paint. Definitely not going to be taking the car too seriously, maybe blackboard paint for the bonnet. Might daily it until the love comes back for my Subaru which is what's supposed to be my daily. Cool little cars, shame there isn't more of them around.