Has been done before. I heard his car on youtube, sounds SO insane.
Hey guys,
looking to get a bit better air flow and power out of the 4K, are there any quad or twin carb sets available, or are there any carb's off other cars that will fit?
what have you done to the 4k already?
if it is standard a chunkier set of carbys isnt going to do to much for you you really need to mods to go with it.
have a read of this
essentially you want to make the air easier to pass through the engine that (funny that since all an engine is is an airpump)
-free up the intake (carbs etc like you want)
-"better" camshaft (longer duration, higher lift = more air)
-compression (bang for your buck, squishes air more = more power from same amount of air....essentially)
-exhaust manifold, extractors and free flowing appropriatly sized exhaust pipes (standard exhast manifold on a K motor is a peice of junk, its even to big to be a paper weight, useless)
In faith there is enough light for those who want to believe and enough shadows to blind those who don't.
- Blaise Pascal
i havent really done anything as of yet, just looking at what i can do. i want something a little different. with putting quad carbys on it, would u have to install a new fuel pump?
i reckonsave ur money n go 4age![]()
do this, cause with the money you spend on making a 4k good, you could buy a 4age which is better
i have a 32/36 webber if you want it pme me
you play halo?
add me GT: samnbhnc
Yeah I was going to work my 4k. But the price my mate spent to get a decent 4k could have got him a full 4AG conversion lol. And 4a will make twice the power standard!
I have twin DHLA40s on my 5K. Pretty easy to run twin carbs as you can buy manifolds and linkages kits to suite dhla/dcoe/solex carbs.
It is definitely not a cheap modification by all means, and you won't have a super fast car without spending heaps on other engine work, but they sure do sound awesome and give a fair bit more poke. You will need atleast new stronger valve springs, extractors and a cam regrind. I think my setup came in at about ~2gs by the time I add up engine rebuild + carbs, new manifold, new linkages, new filter, and tuning, but if you find all the parts second hand for cheap you can easily have the setup for less than a 4age.
I guess the fact is, a 4age will be better in every aspect, but it is also alot more fucking around to do. I just didn't have the time or space to take my car off the road for a 4age swap, so I just built a mild 5K and chucked it in over a weekend.