Um, for the last time, that's the Group N(P), nothing to do with S2000... do you want to start quoting relevant documents, rather than just picking and choosing articles at random that have got no relevance to the argument you're trying to put across...

S2000 IS NOT a part of Group N(P). That fact alone, other than any other crap you've posted, has lost you all credibility. Why you keep defending that fact, I'm at arm's length to figure out...

No, Toyota calls a S2000, a S2000, as so does CAMS. Toyota calls a Group N(P), a Group N(P), and so does CAMS. You've got issues... If you think that because both fall under N4 that all the same rules apply you've got some pretty basic knowledge gaps...

Again, when you can find ANYWHERE that specifically says that a S2000 car can't cost more than $150,000AUD, I'll happily commit to my word. But considering the offical FIA (which as I'm sure you're aware CAMS runs under) document says they can't cost more than €168,000 (about $372,000AUD) I think you're going to have a hard time there sunshine...