Sony X10/android ftw.
Fieldrunners and iSwap are good. iSwap is for putting one persons face on another...good for a laugh at family dinner's etc.
Sony X10/android ftw.
Fieldrunners and iSwap are good. iSwap is for putting one persons face on another...good for a laugh at family dinner's etc.
ex-SR20 Stanza and now MX83 Cressida Driver
John 1:12
no one knows how to make folders in the photo apps?
A few posts ago...
Sorry i wasnt sure if that was regarding the folder question...may bad
sumi drift game. its ok if ur into that sh*t lol...
i still dont understand why people buy a technology thats not really making their life any easier convert>wait>transfer>wait>syncronising>wait>pleas e do not pull plug>wait>youregayifyouwait>wait whereareas you get a standard creative or any river mp3 players its as simply as plug, dump files and play!!
ipod kid>> eeewww!! where you dat ugly iriver from!!
me>>my mommy bought it (continued cry)
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Iphones are quite gay unless you sell your loyalty to apple. I like my samsung because i can drag and drop my work, movies games etc and retrieve them in public work computers etc without having itunes and whatnot. also the other gay thing is that iphones have a pretty crap camera,
the only thing i like about the iphone is the scrolling effect thats awesome, ive got a mod that gives that effect in my samsung i8910.
but you cant wear a scarf if you dont have an apple product on your persons.
ahahahaso true . as much as i love my lil sister . that exactly her with her iphone .
Originally Posted by cicca_294
my dads mate is getting one, in white, aus delivered.
his mate has an imported on in white,
and their mate has a blood red one with a 25k new exhaust system...
i wish i had enough money for a freaking corolla