looks like fun ive got an ae71 pano im doin a 20v turbo in atm
Hey everyone,
just bought my first corolla and as you could probably make out from the title its a panelvan
got it cheap and it comes with a shit load of parts and already has a sprinter diff put in, sprinter seats, chrome rear bumper (but he sprayed it black so ill have to fix that ) and more stuff that ive forgotten.
was red, but was sprayed gun metal gray because he took some decals off and didn't think about pain fade. haha
im picking it up mid next week.
the owner bought it off a company he worked for and has had it since.
the to do list:
>new front windscreen (if you have one let me know, im looking for one)
>fix 4 bits of rust
>possibly need new rear door (same deal as windscreen)
>replace head gasket (although may have an engine ready to put in)
here's a pic, but ill put more up once i get it home.
Last edited by MoNsTaR; 31st March 2011 at 11:53 PM.
looks like fun ive got an ae71 pano im doin a 20v turbo in atm
worked on my car since 10.
removed rear door, interior and front windscreen, found ALL the rust in the car and started to remove it all. got about half way done but camera battery ran out so no pics of it after i cut it all out.
turned out to be more rust then anticipated, the person i bought it off put on strips of metal along the roof so he could fit more weight on the roof racks. turns out it was just to hide the epic amount of bog holding the roof up. FFS!!!
picking up new back door and hopefuly new windscreen this week, aswell as cutting the rest of the shit out, then new metal goes in next weekend.
to do list;
:weld metal in.
:install new window.
:install headgasket.
:reconnect heater.
:flush coolent.
:make wooden interior parts.
now for pics
guess where this epic bog came from haha
no window
Holy crap
God damn.. and i thought the rust in my old 60 shell was bad... !
Good luck mate!
Haha, I was hoping there was no rust, next week I pick up my mates written off corolla for parts and new sheet metal and can start welding
i feel your pain bro! Max repect if you fix it!
thanks mate, i appreciate it. this cars done 490,000 k's and it had a hard life. the car deserves to be fixed.
just a quick update.
received a written off ae71 for parts today and finished cutting the rust out.
need ideas for colours! not sure weather to do a factory colour or go crazy.
ok picture update time!
pretty much ready to weld need a bit more time on the interior
i pretty much have a colour chosen but youll all have to wait.
im quite pleased with how its going