Concidering the majority of drifters (street drifters anyway) get there rear tyres from tyre piles I thought this would be an appropriate section for this thread.
I go on a "tyre run" a couple of nights per week now and lately in Melbourne (im sure it probably happens in other states too) ill get to a tyre pile only to find that someone has been there already and simply thrown tyres in every direction possible to get to the ones they want.
All im saying is that with the growing number of tyre shops locking up there second hand tyres within a cage or in the shop it self, the disrespect for the pile certainly cant be helping. If a shop opens up every morning to find there tyre pile scattered across the car park they are just going to start locking them up like everyone else.
All im suggesting (and yes I know its not just E7/86 drivers, but also other sliders and conformodoore drivers) is that if we need to move tyres, just move them neatly aside as im sure we dont want them to be locked up, just as much as the tyre shops probably dont want to pay for a cage to lock them up.