Great post!
Possibly some other things to add? Zenki vs Kouki differences?
Trueno front conversion parts / costs ;p
I just put in a bit about diffs and gearboxs. I don't know if I worded the diffs bit very well and I know you can tell diffs by how many bolts they have but I don't remember that.
Also I don't know what that model Supra was and I thought that that gearbox came in Soarers and/or Hiluxs as well but wasn't sure. So correct away
Great post!
Possibly some other things to add? Zenki vs Kouki differences?
Trueno front conversion parts / costs ;p
^^ problem with stating "costs" is that they can vary so much, all depends on your luck in finding cheap parts
thats what i dont like when people say "how much will this cost" cause its very hard to say most of the time .
anyway, great post flamingheads, hopefully will give people a beginning understanding before they go making new threads
In faith there is enough light for those who want to believe and enough shadows to blind those who don't.
- Blaise Pascal
flamingheads is helping to fix the n00bs
now we just need to fix the warriors. lol
Sorry, I don't know anything about these things. SOmeone else would have to do a write up on them.
I know what you mean, its pretty pointless but someones always going to ask so I reckon you may as well put in a very general price guide just so thats one more question answered. Plus people like to know if somethings a good deal or if theyre getting ripped off.
this is Signature material
you learn something new everyday.....
and for today my "something new" was in this thread.
awesome write up man. its great for new kids.
maybe this shouldnt be said cause yea same internals n crap.
but carby. fuel injected. and 'u'... emitions shit? are all quite different ey?
dont matter cos there ganna ask the same question anyways
30kw club
good write up,
however, think you'll find early bigport 4age's are 3 rib not 5.