We have access to a Prothane Total Bushing Kit. Similar product to nolathane/superpro etc.
Pricing is located in this
Kind regards,
Kyouteki Team.
I need to replace a whole load of bushes and was thinking of going with the superpro ones as i cant find and whiteline ones in catalogs. Has anyone had experience with these bushes before, how do they stack up compaed to nolathane, whiteline etc
We have access to a Prothane Total Bushing Kit. Similar product to nolathane/superpro etc.
Pricing is located in this
Kind regards,
Kyouteki Team.
Thats a really good price, so the total bushing kit is front and rear yeah? Are they pretty much the same as the nolathane stuff?
Yes to both
Very good price, i was quoted around $350 for a equivalent product from my local auto shop.
Keep in mind that if you are going to go rose jointed etc later on down the track a lot of these bushes will be rendered useless, if this is the case maybe you should consider only replacing the bushes that you actually need.
I have some Superpro's sitting in a bag somewhere waiting to be installed, will let you know how they are!
they are all fairly simmilar, the only thing that would really differ between them is how long it takes for them to shred to pieces, remember, rubber grease is your friend.
Thnx BENNY that would be good. Yeah i think i will just replace certain bushes as i am going to be replacing the stock swaybars anywayz.
i have full super pro sets in stock
they are the highest quality bushes and are sold into japan!
super pro makes whiteline bushes
whiteline's bushes ARE made by superpro,so there's no difference.
Superpro sounds cooler, made in yapan, all throughout my car, they are dope.
RT142 Estate.