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Thread: Who's a carsales person on here ?????

  1. #1


    well, i have decided, to put my trade on hold as i can't see the point in building people the cars they want when i can't even build mine, passion starts at home not the work shop, oh and I'm over workin 12hr days.

    Anyway this coming tuesday, i have an interveiw for trainee of automotive sales at truscott toyota, just want some tips on how to approach such a venture from someone thats been there

    overall it seems like a good deal, base of 40k a year plus commision and a new car, so I'm havin a go.

    any opinions welcome

    thanks guys

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Dec 2008


    Thats not a bad package at all...

    For a while there, trades weren't worth touching and then the government realised that it was running out of tradesmen and suddenly trades are a safe option again.

    I say good on ya for getting out there and making a big decision like this.

  3. #3
    Veteran DRFTPG's Avatar
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    Apr 2009


    from what i have seen with carsales people they are always!! best friends with everybody!! so i spose just be really friendly to the people that are interviewing you, pretty much act like your trying to sell yourself to them instead of a car haha

  4. #4


    yeh thats what i was thinkin, thanks guys, got another offer to go be an auction house supervisor/detailer, thats 45k plus a car, and option to train as an auctioneer. as u say nick its a big decision but, i see it as its a new year, got the new mrs, got the sprinter which is sorta new to me so now i jst need the job lol.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    i been a sale person selling used cars and jap imports .... and have been with harvey normans for a year .

    as long as your willing to work on the weekend , stand in the sun on saturdays and sunday , make cold calls, call up people that werent reall interested in the first place and make friends with em ... listen to the same crap all day ... "we're just looking" .. plus have your boss on your back all the time ... "what did he want?" "did you get their number" blah blah blah ....

    not a easy job .... from what i lerant as being a sales person .... the most important thing you need is self motivation... because you will get alot of negative customer turning you down before you a get a word in and seeing other sales people make sales without trying time and time agian is depressing when you know for a fact that you work so hard to try make a sale when the othe guy gets a what it seems to be a walk up sale .

    its up to you but this is from what i learnt.. i love cars but when it comes down to selling a car .. its a different ball game ... because a sales person has to sell what ever he has got ....even if its a shit box car.

    and from reading some of your thread gun-bzr ... your like everything to be perfect .... not every car in your eyes is perfect ... but the catch is you gotta make it perfect in the customer eyes... i found that hard to do.... becuase if don't belive it then i can't sell it ....

    my 2 cents

    let us know how you go ... and good luck .
    Originally Posted by cicca_294
    my dads mate is getting one, in white, aus delivered.
    his mate has an imported on in white,
    and their mate has a blood red one with a 25k new exhaust system...

    i wish i had enough money for a freaking corolla

  6. #6


    thats some good insight dude, i see it as if i can sell some dick (sorry customers) 30k worth of horsepower they don't need then i can't see it bein hard, i buy all my mates car for em, so i have that aspect to turn back to knowing what the person buying the car will say.

    and i am a cold fucker, especially when I'm not doin well, i like to do well when i don't i work harder, meh I'm havin a go anyway

    thanks dude givin me another way of lookin at it

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    yeha good luck mate ...

    i could easliy sell 30 k worth of performance mods to a noobs... its like selling a p plater a turbo car (when they could have one) they love it.. take em for a test drive and thrash it and they want it ... they don't care about anything else.

    umm keep in mind people who buy toyotas at a dealer ship are family people buying corollas and camrys .. and don't like spending their own cash and want everything for nothing .... keep that in mind plus your boss will also be the same and be a c**t because he will not budge on the price ...

    there has been so many time when i think fark if only i could take another thousand off andthat will seal the deal .. and the boss wont budge because he can't or wont drop another 1k because that 1k will eventually go towards yours and every other sales person pay cheque and thats not even the comission covered yet...

    sorry if i am being abit negative .....but thats how it is in the real world ... and some people love the sales game .. they love how they can play mind games with dumbass buyers and love the thrill of selling a shit box to a honest customer being 16yr old or 80yrs old lady

    oh and for ever other sales people here.. who think that i think sales people a crooks and are the sly side ... i don't.
    i envy you guys... and wished that i could do it for a living cause sales can seriously make you some dosh .. some sales people live on their comms alone ... anyways

    good luck with it, might dropp into your dealer ship one day and give you a good run around the yard opening cars for me ......
    Originally Posted by cicca_294
    my dads mate is getting one, in white, aus delivered.
    his mate has an imported on in white,
    and their mate has a blood red one with a 25k new exhaust system...

    i wish i had enough money for a freaking corolla

  8. #8


    nah man its good, i don't know enough about it so ill take any advice, and i understand its alot harder than it appears, thanks for the feed back dude, givin me somethin to think about

  9. #9
    Senior Member HYPNTK's Avatar
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    Dec 2008


    i sell used cars for a living and if i could give you some advice it would be this:
    as far as the interview goes you have to sell yourself because salesman are not hard to find from what i've seen and everyone in that industry is disposable.
    the advice i can give you is about the job itself and this might help you with questions in the interview...
    make sure you dig deep in your brain and understand this... QUALIFY
    by qualifying i mean get to know your customer within minutes...that means find out what car they are looking for, who its for, (and consequently what they need it for), whether they're financing or paying cash and the best one...when are they looking at doing something?...
    by doing this you not only don't look like a cockhead to your boss when he asks you these questions (coz he will every single time) but most importantly you don't waste your time coz if they're not gonna buy something on that day then you can move onto a customer who will (unless its quiet and you're not doing anything then you can spend time with time wasters and waste their time too)
    make no mistake, if you wanna make money in car sales...learn to qualify as best as you can and don't be afraid of the fuckers (customers) you gotta ask or else you won't be able to put them in a car.
    remember, anyone can sell a car to a dummy who walks in and says i want that one.
    also another good part about qualifying is that it becomes easier for your boss or manager to "close" the deal for you coz he doesn't have to go through the whole process again only to find out they actually wanted to finance a 15 year old car that costs $4k
    as a cadet you have to get the manager involved as soon as you're stuck because they're the ones that will close the deal for you and you get the commission.

    and another piece of advice; don't get into new cars, go straight for used cars...thats where the money is and delivery time is almost instant if not a few days at worst which means you get paid quicker.

    and don't worry about 40k retainer a used cars you have the ability to make up to $120k a year if you can sell 25 - 30 cars a can sit there and make $60k - $80k a year by selling 10 - 15 cars a month but if you go hard (and its not a hard job apart from the fuckheads who are the boss's in most dealerships) you can easily make 100k a year.
    of course the figures i'm giving can vary from dealership to dealership because each one has different payment structures...but if you learn to be a good salesman (i have to mention qualifying again) then you can go to any yard and tell them what to pay you

    good luck mate, and i can guarantee you'll have a laugh selling cars with all the 'heads' you meet

    if you need any further help, pm me...

  10. #10


    Tip of the day- DON'T STEAL A WORK CAR!........Lulz

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