4 wheels and if it has a spare rack that too
just got given an st141 corona...
is anything worth ripping off and sticking into my ae71? (basically stock bar ae86 struts n brakes) or should i just call the wreckers and not even think about it?
If you are thinking of going 3S-G(T)E in your AE71 at any time, then the ST141 basicaly has the whole conversion package. As in sump, bellhousing, gearbox etc. Of you could turn the ST141 into a 3S-GTE racecar, which is not a bad idea. Either way, the manual gearbox is worth money.
Hmm. About the only useful thing in that list is the Sump + oil pickup. The bellhousing needs to be filled and drilled to suit a toyota box, not a borg-warner box as the ST141 coronas have - and fairly weak.
About the only things you could if you don't want to go 3S (as most people don't) -
Pillage the struts if you want to do a big ol brake upgrade - search for Slide86's build thread on the old forum - i believe he had S14 calipers on ST141 struts and rotors of some description.
The LCA's are the same length as xE7x ones, so they're of no use for anything but spares.
Yeah basically they're a junk car.
You can have any brew you want... as long as it's a Datsun / Corolla / What is that?
cool cool. so to the wreckers it is, unless someone here want's stuff off it?
I'd love to go the 3sge route but simply don't have the time or the money to have the car off the road for as long as the conversion would take me.
If it has rear discs, then pull them off and keep them. Handy for when you eventually find a nice warm mug of HTFU and put a T series diff in the AE71.
Jez knows all the details.
He is alive! Definately a nut.
2nd vote for benny definately being a being a raging chomo-seksual nut.
Manual come's first which I have nearly collected all the shite for... then I'm sure with my general clutch abuse a diff wont be far away.
heater tap is the same as ae71 pretty sure.
You can rape me for your AE.