It goes for less than a second?
Hey everyone
Just another clip from the day
constructive appreciated!
It goes for less than a second?
watch it in non HD
RT142 Estate.
as konakid said
for some reason it doesnt work if you watch it in HD
but yeah should work if non hd is on
mad song choice on all your videos, electric relaxation and that bloc party remix are awesome and justice's across the universe album is sik. Can i suggest Tom middletons if i know you presets premix or Skreams remix of laroux in for the kill for the next video haha
good to see a video of a bigger track, im not a fan of the stadium drift. I rekon vtec's vid has been the best so far
keep up the good work.
if u cant find it grind it
cheers yakusikimo
song suggestion notedlol
more hip hop vids also, love it!
RT142 Estate.