Hi everyone,
So as most of you are aware the Van Diemens Silverdome Show which is run every two years is on again this year! Held at the Silverdome in prospect a few minutes from the Launceston CBD Drifting Tasmania will be holding a trade display!

We will have a few drift cars on display, footage of our drift series and a few clips from the boys recently at the World Time Attack series in Sydney at the Eastern Creek Raceway not to mention Drifting Tas merchandise to help support out sport!

We also have entry forms for Round 4 (Sept 24th) and all the other necessary forms such as CAMS and HSCC applications for you to fill out to help you get out on the track with us!

So don't be shy, if you have any questions about the sport or just want to say hey come over and have a chat with us!

Cheers, Mandi