So Ive got it off defect last Friday. Steven came through with a bonnet under some duress, and I was able to hand make a 'Pentagon of Power' as its been dubbed already. Basically a small reverse cowl to give me a legal bonnet design. Im super happy with how it turned out, especially considering its 100 percent hand made with me, a nibbler, the roof off the rusty sa63 in the yard, the welder, and hammer and dolly. Took 2 arvos to make and one more arvo to prep to the stage its at now. I need to buy more high build primer and body sealer to finish its painting and to refiish the bonnet as well.
Also redid the roll cage padding with black padding, and did a much neater job than before.
Took a drive up to Mt Mee to shake it down. Went well, aside from the shocking state of the road up from Dayboro and the traffic you end up following.