lol im shit at phone internet. anyway trying to get modded knuckles, crossmember and lca's sorted for when i get back from work and a pair of watanabes for the front then its pretty much finished. maybe add an intercooler or pod filter or something
bored at work so figured id throw up a thread for my 180
so yeah its pretty stock at the moment, trying to keep it legalish. just has coils, locker and seat at the moment
Last edited by jay70; 14th September 2015 at 11:37 PM.
lol im shit at phone internet. anyway trying to get modded knuckles, crossmember and lca's sorted for when i get back from work and a pair of watanabes for the front then its pretty much finished. maybe add an intercooler or pod filter or something
i want this haha, so good
Let me know if you want JDI knuckles man. PM me
ideal street car
looking sweet as dude
this is cool
mumblezz has a pair of matching watanabes for sale
thanks guys (: yeah its a fun street car, stock exhaust is good for not waking the neighbours haha
lol swaps jacob? j/k who would want a corolla hahaha
yeah theyre the ones i have haha. looks like i might have to buy new to get 15x8 f8s ):
thanks bro. yeah im going to get one eventually but it probably wouldnt last long with my driving haha. i defs couldnt enter that hellaflush driveway contest ahaha