Might be a cluster. Not a car but with my bike I thought the temp gauge was stuffed so I put a digital aftermarket one on and found out it was the gauge was stuffed.
hey there guys,
Car - AE71
motor / part in question - Smallport 4age
problem - Overheating
i realise this has been covered before, but the threads were rather old and lacked any conclusions.
The issue is im currently having is my smallport will gradually overheat. Over approx 10-15 minutes the car will gradually rise to the last point on the gauge.
Im using a alloy radiator, as well as new genuine water pump and all new gaskets.
The thing thats confuses me is , if I take it for a squirt, on an uphill slope, the car temp gauge will drop, and vise versa on the downhill it'll rise. the gauge seems to rise and fall as it feels fit. I've replaced the thermostat and tested it prior in boiling water. As well as this, if i drain the radiator after driving it from the bottom valve, the water is not overly hot, say luke warm. My mate also mentioned he doesn't think its even up to pressure.
Which leads us to question whether the clusters playing up. Prior to the conversion, the dash worked 100%. Since then, the dash clock and backlight are not longer working, and speedo will fidget when the either indicator is switched on, as well as when the left or right indicator lights flicking in time, no matter which indicated (left or right) is pushed.
So i guess im asking whether anyone has had a similar issue, and wether its sounds to you buffs if it is mechanical or an issue with my cluster/sensor/dash wiring.
Last edited by pauliee; 9th August 2012 at 03:07 PM.
Might be a cluster. Not a car but with my bike I thought the temp gauge was stuffed so I put a digital aftermarket one on and found out it was the gauge was stuffed.
"Not all commodore drivers are wankers, but all wankers drive commodores"
Weird that it'll drop and rise like that.... The temp gauge needs to be earthed for it to accurately get a reading... As soon the gauge starts to get a reading if it isn't earthed it'll rise until it maxes out the gauge. Having said that it usually stays there, but i've never left it maxed out so i wouldn't know if it drops / rises etc.
It'll be a brown wire or white/black striped one which was previously earthed but no longer is after you swapped the engine harness out.
If you get stuck I could prob swing by sometime to sort it out... Pending good surf reports.
Surely you could physically tell if it was overheating? Just chuck a multimeter on it and check the manual.
I had a similar problem were after 15 min the car will start to overheat then wen you drive it starts to cool down and wen you stop it startes to rise again
my problem was radiater fan it wasnt spinig fast enought over time the fan was dieing. Also have a look at the radiator cap.
Wow guys, appreciate all the replies. Cheers Matt for the offer.
Well guess, after scratching my head for the last two days, ive found the issue. After about 3 thermostats, countless radiator flushes and shit, different radiator caps, it ended up being the bloody tacho. Swapped it out for a spare and bobs your uncle we've got a proper reading.
Anyone else has this issue, before you stress about the motor, check the tacho first hah!
see this is funny, my cluster guage at the moment isnt connected to anything (wire is zip tied near sensor) my cluster guage goes up and and down as it pleases, changes with weather and hard driving
^ same issue, still have it. But mines all connected up.
thinking about changing sensors.