Should have a complete compressor in stock
Can check on weekend
Hey guys I'm chasing a 4agze air con pulley as my ones stuffed. I don't know if they vary through the different models of 4agze but I know a big port 4age air con pulley is different (different offsets and only runs 1 belt) , my engine is an ae101 4agze. Hopefully some one has one lying around or even the complete compressor if they don't want to separate?
Should have a complete compressor in stock
Can check on weekend
Contact No: 0408998795
EMAIL: justjdmimports@bigpond.com
LINK TO MY WEBSITE FOR MORE PARTS & PICS http://www.justjdmimports.com
Link to My ride Thread http://www.ae86drivingclub.com.au/fo...y-Latest-Daily
ok thanks for that
Bump still looking for a pulley of any one has a spare?
I should have one, bought it as a spare for my ae86 when I did the conversion a few years back.
I also got one with an ae101 4agze motor this year sitting in my garage. $30 pickup NOR
1983 AE86 ADM rust spec goodness track car build - end of the road
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1984 AE86 ADM granny car daily now 4AGZE - SOLD
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2002 IS200 6spd - new daily in progress
1986 AE86 JDM GT-Apex Levin Notchback ready to roll......
Thanks mate I think I've found one, but ill let you know if I need it.