CCG Fish and Chips cruise

Date: 10AM Saturday the 24th of November 2012

Its time to open your windows and sunroofs because the Canberra Celica Group is going to the coast! This the perfect chance to get your car out for a good run and an even better chance to meet some fellow Toyota enthusiasts, all while breathing some clean ocean air and eating some great food.

We will be meeting at the Spotlight carpark, 6 Bungendore Rd, Queanbeyan (across the road from red rooster) at 10:00AM for a 10:30AM start (no 5AM alarms here!) from there its a straight forward cruise to Malua Bay where we can park by the beach and get some fish, chips and burgers! Dont be afraid to bring those garage queens out for the day!

(Remember to bring a full tank of fuel and a CB radio if you can.)

When everyone is fed and happy we can begin the cruise home and if time allows we can make a stop in Braidwood, all in time to be home for dinner!

Start time: 10:00AM
Location: Spotlight Carpark Queanbeyan <---> Malua bay

Come along and put some much desevred K's on that dash!