Rust fixed! Pics later, also received my V bands in the mail today so the headers will be done on friday and will be painted and bolted on for good soon!
You should see them now! The V bands are welded on and the o2 bungs are in too, I bolted up the manifolds and gaskets yesterday and got the trans oil cooler sorted too
Awesome feeling as it all starts to peice back together, painted up the brake booster and the adapter bracket for the brake master and bolted that all in and plumbed the vacuum line for the booster. Also installed the steering column support and the column it's self, feels good to bolt it in for good, I painted up a few little brackets for here and there as well. The last thing I did for the night was get the new sway bar installed, finally got my spacers sitting where I want them and put the new bushes in and bolted it all up, so hopefully she will corner pretty decent now